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Building indicators
The table building_indicators
contains the initial informations being in the input table 'building' (id_build, id_source, height_wall, height_roof, etc. - cf. building input table), the identifier of the block and of the RSU it belongs to (id_rsu, id_block) and a certain number of indicators described below.
Description: Building's area.
Method: Area of the building footprint
Description: Calculates a degree of convexity of a building (according to the building surface).
Method: Area / Convex Hull area
Range of values: [0
, 1
] - the closer the result from 1, the more convex the building.
Description: Fraction of linear of facade (also called “party walls”) shared with other buildings.
Method: Shared facade length / total facade length
Description: Fraction of wall shared with other buildings
Method: Shared wall area / total wall area
Description: Building's floor area.
Method: Area * Number of level
Description: Ratio between the building’s area and the square of the external building’s perimeter
Method: Area / (perimeter)^2
Description: Building closeness to a 50 m wide isolated building (where NUMBER_BUILDING_NEIGHBOR
= 0).
Method: The step 9 of the decision tree used for the MaPUCE project manual building typology classification consists of checking whether a building has a horizontal extent larger than 50 m. We therefore introduce an indicator which measures the horizontal extent of buildings. This indicator is based on the largest side of the building minimum rectangle. We then use a logistic function to avoid threshold effects (e.g. totally different result for building sizes of 49 m and 51 m). The gamma and x0 parameters in the logistic function are specified after analysis of the training data to identify the real size of the buildings classified as larger than 50 m in the subjective training process.
Description: Building closest distance (expressed in meter) to an other building.
Method: Min(distance(building, other buildings within bufferDist))
, where the buffer size of search is defined in the bufferDist
parameter (default value = 100 m)
- If the building touches an other building, the result is 0.
- If there is no building in a 100m circle around the building, the result is set to 100m (this value may be different if the
default value is modified).
Description: Number of neighboring buildings, in contact with the building.
Method: Count the number of buildings touching (at least one point) the building of interest.
Description: Building's perimeter (external perimeter, do not consider courtyard).
Method: External building perimeter
Description: Calculates a degree of convexity of a building (according to the building perimeter).
Method: Convex Hull perimeter / Perimeter
Range of values: [0
, 1
] - the closer the result from 1, the more convex the building.
Description: Ratio between building external surfaces (walls and roof) and the building volume at the power 2/3.
Method: (External walls area + courtyard walls area + roof area) / (volume^(2/3))
Warning: For the calculation, the roof is supposed to have a gable and the roof surface is calculated considering that the building is square (otherwise, the choice related to the gable direction - which is not known - would affect the result).
Description: Building closest distance (expressed in meter) to a road,
Method: The search is made within a buffer area around the building whose size is defined in the bufferDist
parameter (default value = 100 m).
→ Min(distance(building, roads within bufferDist))
- If the building touches a road, the result is 0.
- If the roads are further than 100m from the building, the result is set to 100m (this value may be different if the
default value is modified).
Description: Total length of external facade.
Method: Building perimeter + Courtyard perimeter
Description: Building's volume.
Method: The building volume is calculated considering that all buildings have either horizontal or gable roofs. In this case, the building volume can be calculated using the following equation:
→ Area * ((Wall height + Roof height)/2)
GeoClimate - documentation 2020 - 2024 -
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