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Coding implementation

Bocher edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 7 revisions

GeoClimate algorithms are implemented as functions in Groovy Scripts.

GeoClimate are organized in 3 modules (Figure 1).

  • GeoIndicators is the main module. It contains all the algorithms to build the spatial units (SpatialUnits script) and then compute the morphological and topographical indicators at building, block and road scales (BuildingIndicators, BlockIndicators, RoadIndicators scripts). The indicators are aggregated with other indices (e.g fraction of vegetation, water) on RSU geometries (RSUIndicators script). This task is performed with the help of the GenericIndicators script. The sequence of scripts are managed by the GeoIndicatorsWorkflow script that chains the algorithms in the right order.
  • OSM module is dedicated to extract and transform the OSM data to the GeoClimate abstract model. Those data processing are specified in the two scripts InputDataLoading and InputDataFormating. The WorkflowOSM script is the main entry to specify the area to be processed, the indicators and the classifications to be compute. It triggers the OSM data preparing scripts and then the GeoIndicatorsWorkflow.
  • BDTopo_V2 module follows the same logic as the OSM module except that it is dedicated to version 2.2 of the IGN BDTopo database

GeoClimate modules implementation

Figure 1. The GeoClimate modules

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