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ilmomasiina-components 2.0.0-alpha14

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @tietokilta/ilmomasiina-components@2.0.0-alpha14
Install via package.json:
"@tietokilta/ilmomasiina-components": "2.0.0-alpha14"

About this version


This package provides ready-to-use building blocks for Ilmomasiina frontends.

Frontend developers should import the supported items directly from @tietokilta/ilmomasiina-components. Most files in dist are not part of the public interface. (The files in dist/utils are also public, but likely less stable.)

Note: This package follows the versioning of Ilmomasiina. We will avoid breaking changes in the API, but minor versions may occasionally be incompatible with each other. If writing custom frontends, we recommend fixing the minor version ("@tietokilta/ilmomasiina-components": "~2.x.x" in package.json).

Importing React routes

This package exports three route components: Events, SingleEvent, and EditSignup. These are self-contained routes for Ilmomasiina using react-bootstrap 1.x (Bootstrap 4.x) components, and may be rendered inside your own router.

If you are using non-standard paths or a path prefix, these components should be wrapped in a PathsContext to provide them with the correct paths for links. You may also wrap them in an AuthContext if you know that the user is authenticated to Ilmomasiina.

In order to allow style customization, styles are not imported by our TS files. You'll need to @use either @tietokilta/ilmomasiina-components/src/_all.scss or individual component styles manually. You can override variables from _definitions.scss before that. (This setup is currently hacky and may be replaced in the future.)

In addition, you'll want to import suitable (or all) parts of Bootstrap 4's SCSS. This works best if you have a Bootstrap 4 based app, or if you import Bootstrap nested inside your own wrapper CSS class.

Creating custom React routes

If you want to use a different framework or more heavily customize the layout, you can instead copy or reimplement the code under src/routes, and import only the API adapters. For each of the views, the package exports the use{ViewName}Context hook and {ViewName}Provider component (and also the use{ViewName}State hook). For more context on these, see docs/



  • ilmomasiina-components-2.0.0-alpha14.tgz

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