eds 13.2.0-alpha.0
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @chanzuckerberg/eds@13.2.0-alpha.0
Install via package.json:
"@chanzuckerberg/eds": "13.2.0-alpha.0"
About this version
Education Design System (EDS) is a repository of presentational components used to build React-based products for Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
First install the package.
# via npm
npm install --save @chanzuckerberg/eds
# or, if using Yarn
yarn add @chanzuckerberg/eds
Import the EDS stylesheet and tokens somewhere in your app root, e.g. an init.ts
or app.ts
import '@chanzuckerberg/eds/index.css';
// optionally import EDS font faces
// import '@chanzuckerberg/eds/fonts.css';
We also surface an --eds-font-size-base
property to set your base rem
font size, eg:
html {
font-size: var(--eds-font-size-base); /* Resets the default pixel-to-rem ratio */
The EDS Tailwind theme provides EDS color tokens and screens. Import the tailwind config into the app's tailwind config and supply the content property for use:
const edsConfig.theme = require('@chanzuckerberg/eds/tailwind.config');
module.exports = {
content: ['./app/**/*.{ts,tsx,jsx,js}'],
theme: edsConfig.theme,
Refer to the tokens tailwind section for usage guidelines.
Refer to the "EDS Token and Theme Tools" in the tokens documentation to learn about the optional tooling setup.
Import any of the components from the top-level package:
// Import components by name at the top of your file
import { Heading } from '@chanzuckerberg/eds';
and then use them in your React components
<Heading variant="neutral-strong" size="h2">
EDS provides a sizeable suite of components for use, and documentation for available props and overrides.
See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information on how to contribute to EDS. Also, read our guidelines for additional information.
# Setup your node environment using nodenv (https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv)
$ nodenv install
# Setup yarn using npm or homebrew (https://brew.sh)
$ brew install yarn # or npm install -g yarn
Description | Command |
Install dependencies | yarn install |
Run linter | yarn lint |
Run linter and fix all fixable issues | yarn lint:fix |
Build package | yarn build |
Run the component generator | yarn create-component |
This project is under active development. If you would like to contribute, check out the contribution guidelines or open an issue.
This project is governed under the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
See our Security Readme.
Please review our Education Design System Site (SSO Required): /Paper