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aksel 7.3.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @navikt/aksel@7.3.1
Install via package.json:
"@navikt/aksel": "7.3.1"

About this version

Aksel command line interface

CLI tool for managing CSS-imports and Codemods when consuming Aksel-packages.


npx @navikt/aksel

css-imports: Generate css-imports for all components from Aksel
codemod: Codemods for version-migrations related to Aksel


Codemods are code-transformations that patches breaking changes in your project. This helps when migrating without spending time doing it manually.

To get started:
npx @navikt/aksel codemod --help


In v4, we moved all the components from @navikt/ds-react-internal to @navikt/ds-react. This means that you will need to update all your imports to the new package. As a part of this, Header was renamed to InternalHeader and all the CSS-classes was renamed to use navds as a prefix instead of navdsi.


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v4-internal-react ...

Rewrites all imports from @navikt/ds-react-internal to @navikt/ds-react. Remember to remove @navikt/ds-react-internal as a dependency after migration.

- import { Dropdown, Timeline, Header } from "@navikt/ds-react-internal";
- import { Button, CopyButton } from "@navikt/ds-react";
+ import { Button, CopyButton, Dropdown, Timeline, InternalHeader as Header } from "@navikt/ds-react";


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v4-internal-css ...

Rewrites all css with navdsi-prefix to navds-prefix. Rewrites all .navdsi-header classes to .navds-internalheader.

Remember to remove @navikt/ds-css-internal as a dependency after migration + remove it from you lists of imports in the CSS-bundle.

- .navdsi-dropdown
+ .navds-dropdown
- .navdsi-header
+ .navds-internalheader
- .navdsi-timeline
+ .navds-timeline

Note: This is a "dumb" codemod that uses a simple regex to find and replace. This can lead to unknown sideeffects, so its reccomended to scope the codemod to spesific files.

`npx @navikt/aksel codemod v4-internal-css **/*.css`


There is no general codemods for migrating from v2 -> v3.


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v3-copybutton ...

<CopyToClipboard /> has been renamed to <CopyButton /> and refactored.

  • Namechange
  • removed props popoverText, iconPosition, popoverPlacement
  • changed variants
  • refactored CSS and React-code. ⚠️ Overwritten CSS will not be migrated!
-import { CopyToClipboard } from "@navikt/ds-react-internal";
+import { CopyButton } from "@navikt/ds-react";

- popoverText="popoverText"
- iconPosition="left"
- popoverPlacement="bottom-end"
  copyText="Text to copy"
- text

v1 -> v2


v2-css: Patches changed css-variables v2-js: Patches changed js-variables v2-sass: Patches changed sass-variables v2-less: Patches changed less-variables

css-tokens (--navds format)

npx @navikt/aksel codemod v2-css src

When having redefined a token, you will need to manually find and replace these instances after the codemod-run. A global search for --v2-migration__ will show all found instances where you had redefined a token.

- color: var(--navds-global-color-gray-900);
+ color: var(--a-gray-900);

- --navds-semantic-color-text: red;
+ --v2-migration__navds-semantic-color-text: red;

sass/scss-tokens ($navds format)

npx @navikt/aksel codemod v2-sass src

- color: $navds-global-color-gray-900;
+ color: $a-gray-900;

less-tokens (@navds format)

npx @navikt/aksel codemod v2-less src

- color: @navds-global-color-gray-900;
+ color: @a-gray-900;


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v2-js src

- import { NavdsGlobalColorGray900 } from "@navikt/ds-tokens";
+ import { AGray900 } from "@navikt/ds-tokens";

const styled = styled.p`
- color: ${NavdsGlobalColorGray900};
+ color: ${AGray900};

beta -> v1


v1-preset: Runs all codemods for beta -> v1 v1-pagination: Fixes breaking API-changes for component v1-tabs: Fixes breaking API-changes for component v1-chat: Fixes breaking API-changes for (now ) component


Combines all avaliable codemods for migrating from beta -> v1. This transform should only be ran once.

Includes these transforms

  • v1-tabs
  • v1-chat
  • v1-pagination


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v1-tabs src

  onChange={(x) => console.log(x)}
-  loop
+  iconPosition="left"
-    loop
-     iconPosition="left"
  <Tabs.Panel value="logg">TabPanel for Logg-tab</Tabs.Panel>


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v1-chat src

-  illustration={<Illustration />}
-  topText="Ola Normann 01.01.21 14:00"
-  illustrationBgColor="blue"
+  avatar={<Illustration />}
+  name="Ola Normann 01.01.21 14:00"
+  avatarBgColor="blue"
- <SpeechBubble.Bubble>
+ <Chat.Bubble>
    Aute minim nisi sunt mollit duis sunt nulla minim non proident.
- </SpeechBubble.Bubble>
+ </Chat.Bubble>


npx @navikt/aksel codemod v1-pagination src

This codemod can only be ran once, since the size-scale will keep decreasing for each subsequent iteration.

-<Pagiation />
+<Pagiation size="small"/>

-<Pagiation size="medium"/>
+<Pagiation size="small"/>

-<Pagiation size="small"/>
+<Pagiation size="xsmall"/>





  • aksel-7.3.1.tgz

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