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Sydney Krauss nistran

Tübingen, Germany

Luigi Freda luigifreda

University of Rome "La Sapienza"

Ning.Hu Aboutdept
A happy Virtual Production developer.


Forsyth Creations Forsyth-Creations
Full Stack (NextJS and Flask) C++ Python Java Javascript Bash and Shell Arduino and Integration ROS
Yusuf S. Demirci ysfsmet

@RobsenRobotics Turkey

Vamshi Kodipaka vamshikodipaka
Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Systems

University of Coimbra Portugal

VISHWANATH R vishcomestrue
Kon'nichiwa! Ore wa Vishwanath R desu | ROS Developer | Web Developer I am pursuing MTech Robotics and Mobility Systems @ IITJ
Keith Valentin MrKeith99

@TeamSOBITS 創価大学

Harvey Merton hmer101

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

HuanNguyen HuanNguyenARL
PhD in robotics @ntnu-arl. Control, planning, and state estimation.
Nils-Christian Iseke Nils-ChristianIseke

Heidelberg University - Student Essen

Zach Uy zachcuy
Masters of CS @ Georgia Tech


Felipe Nascimento FelipeH92

Virtus CEEI - UFCG Campina Grande - Brazil

Sławomir Cielepak slci

Spyrosoft Synergy Szczecin, Poland

JimFyyc jimf99 (I seldom Stream or do YouTube stuff)

-na- YYC = Calgary Alberta Canada airport code

huigang39 huigang39
Universe is big, live is bigger.

Fourier Intelligence Shanghai, China

Alona Kharchenko missxa

@Devanthro @Roboy @mhucare Munich, Germany