A git repository containing my configuration files for various programs. I've provided a few handy scripts if you want a set-up just like mine with minimal effort (no guarentees that they work though :-) and as usual: make backups and read through the scripts before you run them!)
git clone https://github.com/FruitieX/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
for script: git curl
vim: gvim vim-colorsamplerpack vimpager ctags
wm stuff: herbstluftwm compton clock-git xtitle-git dunst-git dzen2-git avant-window-navigator awn-extras-applets
misc cli: openssh sudo tmux cmus sshfs ntp ttf-droid weechat htop
misc gui: rxvt-unicode numlockx redshift synergy chromium
xorg: xorg-server xorg-xset xorg-xsetroot xorg-xmodmap xorg-xinit xorg-xrandr
misc pulseaudio pavucontrol mosh urxvt-font-size-git dmenu-history-xrdb-xft ttf-google-fonts-git hsetroot numix-themes parcellite
- nm-applet password prompts