- Make sure you have node and npm on your local machine
- Do npm -v and node -v to see your current version (means that you have it installed)
- If you don’t have it installed, follow here: https://www.taniarascia.com/how-to-install-and-use-node-js-and-npm-mac-and-windows/
- Clone the forked repo to local machine git clone [forked-repo-url]
- cd into the cloned repo by doing: cd os-ucsd.ucsd.edu
- Set up origin as your forked repo and upstream as original repo
- git remote add origin [forked-repo-url] (same as clone url; if it says origin is already added then you’re all set for this step)
- git remote add upstream [original-repo-url]
- You’ll be doing git pull upstream to get updates from the original repo and git push origin master to push your changes to your forked repo
- git push origin master (push your changes to your forked repo) this is for after you have made edits
- git pull upstream master (get updates from original repo)
- Installing dependencies: npm install
- To see the current site: npm start
- you can start editing code now :)
- git add .
- git commit -m "some message"
- git pull upstream master important: make sure you have set the upstream in setup^
- Fix merge conflicts (if there is)
- git add . (yep, again)
- git commit -m "another message"
- git push origin master (this should update the code in your forked repository; the original repo has not been changed yet)
- go to your forked repository on Github not the original one
- Click where it says Pull requests (next to Code)
- Click New Pull Request
- Make sure it looks like this
- Complete the pull request - A collaborator will review/accept your pull request
- The original repository now has your code
- EYYY you have successfully contributed to our website
- cd into the os-ucsd.ucsd.edu directory
- cd to os_site/src/routes
Breakpoints: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-breakpoints
Website: https://os-ucsd.ucsd.edu/