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A Drupal Premium Headless project for the new OS2udoglaer.

The full stack is:

  • Drupal 10
  • PHP 8.2 (with Composer 2)
  • Nginx latest
  • Solr latest
  • Redis latest
  • mariadb latest

For a better understanding of the projects staging and production environments, please see the Deployment section.


You can run this project in a local environment using either Ddev (quick setup) or locally installed with LAMP stack (long initial setup)

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development, demo and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project staging, QA and production systems.


DDEV sets up the project and necessary backing services.


DDEV is fast, very reliable, open source and we have a lot of experience using it during development at Novicell.


On your host machine install the following:

  1. Clone the project repository
    git clone [email protected]:os2ulf/os2udoglaer.git
  2. Enter the newly created project directory
    cd os2udoglaer
  3. Create local .env file from .env.dist:
    cp .env.dist .env
    Note: Insert values or reach out if there are any issues with the default Ddev setup.
  4. Install dependencies with Composer
    ddev composer install
  5. Now run project with DDEV:
    ddev import-db
  6. Import the latest database using DDEV:
    ddev start
    Project can be reached at https://os2udoglaer.localhost
  7. List entire DDEV project:
     ddev describe

DDEV commands to fixup your project

You have to run these commands if you have issues with your project. If you have issues with your project, you can run these commands to fix it.

  1. Update your local master branch or feature branch:
    git pull
  2. Install latest modules and themes:
    ddev composer install
  3. Run custom Ddev Drupal local update script:

If the project is still broken after running these commands, you can try to run the following command:

ddev restart

If the project is still broken after running these commands, you can try to reimport the database:

ddev import-db

Traditional development environment

Install Apache, MariaDB (or MySQL), PHP 8.2 and Composer - Guide to Ubuntu LAMP stack install

Use a Linux pc/server or setup an alternative way of running the stack on your machine if using Windows or Macintosh PC like XAMPP or WAMP

  1. Clone the project repository
    git clone [email protected]:os2ulf/os2udoglaer.git
  2. Enter the newly created project directory
    cd os2udoglaer
  3. Install dependencies with Composer
    composer install
  4. Make sure that your Apache server is configured correctly depending on local LAMP-stack.

Apache Solr search

The project uses Apache Solr as search engine. The Solr server is running on the same software stack as the Drupal site.

Solr configuration


New functionality is often added through contributed, premium or custom modules. These are installed and maintained using Composer, which is a dependency manager for PHP. This documentation on Composer will get you up to speed and managing dependencies in no time.

Note: While developing new features or structures we do not wish to update our Composer dependencies unless this is necessary. This means not running composer update if this is not part of the task at hand.

Quick commands list

To add a dependency to a project:

composer require drupal/example_contrib_module

To install all dependencies from composer.json or composer.lock:

composer install

Changes to dependencies are written to composer.json and composer.lock in the root of our project, from where they can be committed and pushed remotely.

Drupal configuration during development

While developing new feature or structure in Drupal it is important to export the configuration of the feature you are working on. You can always check the status of the configuration synchronisation using Drush:

drush config:status

If you have changes to the configuration use Drush to export these:

drush cex -y

The configuration will be written to .yml files in /config/sync, from where they can be committed and pushed.

_**Note: When exporting config do a check on language switches (they do unfortunately happen) and overwriting customized config (like standard Drupal mails changed through core/updb - we have that issue on other projects)

Git strategy & collaboration

We use Git in order to ease collaboration and create versioning of our code. Furthermore, we aim to improve the overall quality during development by keeping our git strategy lean and without complexity. This in order to get a dynamic workflow that suites the size of the project and developer team.

Branch naming convention and commit message

The branch naming convention has been taken from Gitflow and customised with the standard Novicell approach - some examples and benefits:

  • Branch name should include issue tag (example: OS2UOL-50):

By including the issue tag in the commit messages and branch name we get the benefit of the Github/Jira integration.

Rebase in developer workflow

Developers work differently but here is an example of a workflow using Git for this project.

Pull the latest changes of the master branch - Note: use --rebase flag to align our local master’s history with the remote:

git pull --rebase origin master

Create a feature branch before starting new work:

git switch -c my-awesome-feature-branch

Make some changes and commit often in the feature branch:

git add .
git commit -m "My awesome comment"

Periodically rebase your work onto master branch - in case new features have been merged to master. First off we update our local master branch:

git checkout master
git pull --rebase origin master

Include the latest commits of our local master branch, and get them into our local feature branch.

git checkout feature/my-awesome-feature-branch
git rebase master

**Note: During a rebase you might have to deal with conflicts, this is expected and unavoidable if there are changes **:

Now our branch is up-to-date. Now we build and test locally again after which we can push to our remote:

git push origin feature/my-awesome-feature-branch --force

Note: new commits are added to the branch and by using the --force or -f flag we allow git to overwrite the history of the remote branch. Forgetting this step will lead to a Git error as the branch histories of local and remote differ. Do not git pull even if prompted for it - your current feature branch will include all changes from master and your own changes - being both ahead and behind master.

Lastly the developer merges the new feature to staging branch. For added benefits a Pull Request (PR) can be created as the foundation for a code review or a colleague giving their input. Once the code has been tested on staging and/or reviewed it is merged to our master branch. This strategy gives less importance to the maintenance and state of the staging branch, which can always be recreated when needed - all code is always merged to master after test and/or code review. Note: Any existing PR will be updated with any changes made to our feature branch.

Pull requests & reviews

It is good practice that new features are submitted to the project in the form of Pull Requests, which are subsequently reviewed and approved by other developers on the team. A flow for good handover should include the following before reassign:

  • Locally building project with new feature.
  • Testing new feature locally.
  • Create PR including an added/removed lists.
  • Short guide as to how the feature or change can be tested by reviewer.
  • Communicate if the PR is blocked by another PR, decision or action - for complex integrations include check list.
Best practices for best collaboration

Git and collaboration on a big team can be confusing at times, and we have gathered a few best practices to ensure good collaboration:

  • Merges come from Pull Requests (PR), which invites team members to engage - main branch is protected.
  • Merge squash your multiple changes in short live branches - improved git history.
  • Rebasing master against your short-lived branch to keep it up to date is best. Note: do NOT merge master back to your short-lived branch and then back again to trunk, effectively creating multiple merge commits and confusing history.
  • Feature branches should be short-lived - this fits our delivery model and tasks broken down to maximum two working days.
  • Keep commit messages as concise as possible, while still making sense and add the case number as the first thing.
  • NEVER commit secrets of any kind to the repository — EVER.
  • With Composer use the --sort-packages flag, which is a nice feature, though it should be a default on composer 2, it is not always running automatically ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • Let us keep the repository clean and delete old feature branches.


This is done using CI/CD and Gitops.

Deploy bumper

This has been done 10 times


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