ERC-721 token name : "Star Token"
ERC-721 token symbol : "STR"
Contract Address in Rinkeby Network : 0x929248153a771425EbAf0D6d3F0130Dd5fB91472
Replacing 'StarNotary' ---------------------- > block number: 5115793 > block timestamp: 1568875665 > account: 0xCf6061886e9aB888fBB3267eE501970D476FB6C4 > balance: 0.0695575 > gas used: 2667934 > gas price: 10 gwei > value sent: 0 ETH > total cost: 0.02667934 ETH > Total cost: 0.02667934 ETH
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To install the software, you need to doownload the following:
- Install Node.js on your computer.
- Clone or download the repository to your local computer.
- Open the terminal and install the packages:
npm install
If you want deploy the smart contract to Rinkeby network, you need to the following:
- The Metamask's backup phrase is required.
- Infura Project ID
The procedure to obtain development environment:
npm install --save truffle-hdwallet-provider
npm install --save openzeppelin-solidity
Run the truffle develope. Truffle Develop started at
And You can get Accounts and Private Keys.
truffle develope
You have to type following command on New Terminal and Deploy the smart contract on the your rinkbey.
truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset --compile-all
To run the front-end of the Dapp, You have to type following command on New Terminal.
cd app
Start the webpack-dev-server Project is running at http://localhost:8080/
npm run dev
Open that url in your browser to access the front-end of the Dapp.
If you want deploy the smart contract to Rinkeby network, you need to the following:
- You have to type your infura Project ID to
const infuraKey = {Infura POJECT ID}
in truffle-config.js file. - Type Metamask's backup phrase to
const mnemonic = {METAMASK SEED}
in truffle-config.js file. - Type
truffle migrate --network rinkeby --reset --compile-all
on the terminal.
Explain how to run the automated tests for this system.
- You can run the unit test smart contract by
command on truffle console.
truffle(develop)> test
Using network 'develop'.
Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
✓ can create a Star (75ms)
✓ lets user1 put up their star for sale (103ms)
✓ lets user1 get the funds after the sale (164ms)
✓ lets user2 buy a star, if it is put up for sale (169ms)
✓ lets user2 buy a star and decreases its balance in ether (135ms)
✓ can add the star name and star symbol properly (68ms)
✓ lets 2 users exchange stars (139ms)
✓ lets a user transfer a star (90ms)
✓ lookUptokenIdToStarInfo test (73ms)
9 passing (1s)
- Node.js v11.9.0 - The JavaScript used.
- Truffle v5.0.26 - A development framework for Ethereum.
- openzeppelin-solidity v2.3.0 - Library for secure smart contract development.
- Osama Bari - Github