See the documentation on the Terraform Registry, or see examples in the examples
resource "binarylane_server" "example" {
region = "per"
image = "ubuntu-24.04"
size = "std-min"
public_ipv4_count = 1
Planned features:
- Servers
- Firewall Rules
- Cloud Init
- Updating server properties
- Backups
- Software
- IPV6
- Alerts
- SSH Keys
- Virtual Private Cloud
- Load Balancers
- Images
- Docs
- Generated docs
- Review & fill out remaining descriptions
- Include examples in docs
- Examples
- Basic
- Cloud Init
- NixOS
- Virtual Private Cloud
- Kubernetes
curl for regions
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $BINARYLANE_API_TOKEN" > tmp/regions.json
jq '[ .regions[] | .slug ] | sort' tmp/regions.json
curl for images
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $BINARYLANE_API_TOKEN" > tmp/images.json
jq '[ .images[] | .slug ] | sort' tmp/images.json
curl for sizes
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $BINARYLANE_API_TOKEN" > tmp/sizes.json
jq '[ .sizes[] | .slug ] | sort' tmp/sizes.json