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Releases: oschwengers/bakta


18 Dec 11:42
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This is the third v1.10 patch release (v1.10.3).



09 Dec 13:14
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This is the second v1.10 patch release (v1.10.2).


  • Made new bakta_io result file recovery backward compatible to v1.9 (at least): e068540


  • Fixed wrong sequence type stored in REPLICON_CONTIG constant : #349
  • Fixed plot warnings for truncated sequences: ff72dda


15 Nov 21:08
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This is the first v1.10 patch release (v1.10.1).


  • Improved handling of draft genome in circular plots: 0118983
  • Added N90 to genome statistics: 7abfa9a


v1.10 - Novel in & novel out

14 Nov 15:43
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This is the tenth minor release (v1.10) introducing user-provided HMMs, output file recovery, feature inference scores, and various improvements.

Compatible database scheme version: 5


Since v1.10.0, Bakta requires Python >=3.9, uses pyCirclize instead of Circos, and discarded support of DeepSig!

An important decision had to be made for this release regarding supported Python versions, external dependencies and features impacted by this. Both Circos and DeepSig seem to be out of support for a long time. Hence, Circos was replaced by pyCirclize, a pure-Python actively-maintained library, enabling a couple of new features. As a result, Bakta's Python dependency had to be bumped to >=3.9, thus unfortunately loosing compatibility with DeepSig. Dropping an existing feature feels odd and wrong, but as a developer, sticking to unmaintained external software for too long constantly increases your daily pain level and slows down the project as a whole. This hasn't been an easy decision, but a necessary. So, If you depend on the detection of signaling peptides, please keep using Bakta <=v1.9.4.

New features


  • Support translation table 25: #323 (Thanks @ndombrowski)
  • Export CRISPR and tRNA nucleotide sequences: #336 (Thanks @YoungerRen)
  • Replacement of Circos by pyCirclize: #344 (Thanks @acarafat / @alexweisberg)
  • Introduce --label, --size and --dpi parameters in bakta_plot to customize plots: #344
  • Add fixes for common submission errors: #330 (Thanks @kevinmyers)
  • Improve INSDC compliance: 30b3928 8ba8a14
  • Reduce the locus tag offset from 5 to 1 and allow specifications via --locus-tag-increment: #279 (Thanks @1996xjm)
  • Revise internal/external designation of truncated features and (real) pseudogenes: #333
  • Print msg if IPS and pseudogene detection is skipped using the db light version: #320 (Thanks @flashton2003)
  • Review internal main data structure: #338


  • Fix import of user-provided CDS spanning sequence edges: #324 #332 (Thanks @aekazakov)
  • Fix translated protein sequences for CDS truncated at both sides: #340 (Thanks @tpillone)
  • Fix wrong truncation label: #341
  • Fix import of user-provided regions in combination with a metadata replicon table: #326

Full Changelog: v1.9.4...v1.10.0


18 Jul 07:45
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This is the fourth v1.9 patch release (v1.9.4).


  • Fixed CDS gene translation in meta mode: #301 (Thanks @ohickl)
  • Fixed the CRISPR parser for short (<10 nt) spacer sequences: #299 #302 (Thanks @ohickl)
  • Fixed Pyrodigal and Pyhmmer version detection: #294 (Thanks @EricDeveaud)



08 Mar 09:13
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This is the third v1.9 patch release (v1.9.3).


  • fixed a regex in the CRISPR parser skipping spacers in some special cases: c747803 #265 (Thanks @ZarulHanifah)
  • fixed wrong Piler-CR CRISPR array stop position omitting the last spacer: #276
  • tmp. pinned Diamond version to v2.1.8 due to an upstream bug: 0dd84fb


  • added parent ID to CRISPR repeat/spacer features in GFF3 outputs: ae71c09


23 Jan 14:29
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This is the second v1.9 patch release (v1.9.2).



29 Nov 10:48
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This is the first v1.9 patch release (v1.9.1).


  • Fixed a Python KeyError when both --regions and --keep-contig-headers are used: d3d7a98 (Thanks @thorellk)
  • Fixed a bzip2 error in the Docker build process: 73ac39d (Thanks @lukasjelonek)

v1.9 - Here's my region of interest

27 Nov 16:59
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This is the ninth minor release (v1.9) introducing user-provided feature regions and various minor improvements.

Compatible database scheme version: 5

New features

  • Support a priori user-provided feature regions via --regions either in Genbank or GFF3 format (currently, only CDS features are supported). CDS coordinates are imported, supersede de novo predicted CDS, and are subject to the regular internal annotation workflow. To provide functional annotation, as well use --proteins: #216 #245 #247 #250 #259 (Thanks @marade @PengfanZhang @simone-pignotti @thorellk)



  • Fix PyPI CD: #231
  • Add missing --force parameter to Docker wrapper script: f39434e
  • Fix wrong runtime report: #243

Full Changelog: v1.8.2...v1.9.0


24 Aug 15:03
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This is the second v1.8 patch release (v1.8.2).


  • Replacd HMMER by PyHMMER: 3415e89 (Thanks @jhahnfeld)
  • Refactored & improved CI scripts
  • Refactored the code
  • Tweaked code to expand required BioPython versions: 6a88c4b (Thanks @alexweisberg)
  • Deactivated --force parameter for the current working directory`: a039bec
  • Added Pyrodigal to dependency checks: 17bcfc9

Bug Fixes: