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Influenced by: Open Source Shakespeare (
Fix: The main text splits into many layered subsets:
set = {subsets, analysis, analysis2, ... }
set[subsets] = [subset1, subset2, ... ]
subset1 = {subsets, analysis, analysis2, ... }
where subsets are a smaller set like scenes in an act, and analysis is where we get calculated variables which can be then processed to produce more complex analysis
analysis should include: actNum, sceneNum, speechNum, lineNum, wordNum, charNum, speakerNum, and more
Text = {'plaintext', 'acts', 'analysis', 'speakers']
acts = [{'plaintext', 'scenes', 'analysis', 'speakers'}]
scenes = [{plaintext, speeches, analysis, speakers, lines}]
speeches = [{plaintext, speech, analysis, speaker}]
speech = {plaintext, lines, analysis,} //this is the part of the speech that is not the speaker. maybe add 'speaker property
lines = [{plaintext,
Additionally, there will be a list of speakers change analysis to properties
speakers['speaker'] = {text, speeches, analysis}