TODO: How can this help you
sudo apt-get install
python-pip python-yaml
sudo pip install netaddr
install ansible
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ansible
clone repo
git clone
configure the simulator
Open the simulator user config file
and configure the subnets of your pxe, management, tunnel, storage and flat networks. Then configure the dhcp pool range where VMs can take IPs, interface used by cobbler to pxeboot VMs, how many Vms you want to create per host, all already used ips by your environment, nodes where you want to create Vms, the disk in each host where your VMs will be mouned.
cd simulator
vi sim_user_config.yml
generate an inventory for your VMs
Bootstrap your hosts
cd playbooks ansible-playbook -i inventory/static-inventory.yml bootstrap_hosts.yml
Install cobbler in your deployment host
cd .. ./ (look for templates preseeds)
partition disk in each server and mount it to /var/lib/libvirt/
cd playbooks ansible-playbook -i inventory/static-inventory.yml partition_disk.yml
Create virsh bridged networks in your servers to which VMs will be attached
ansible-playbook -i inventory/static-inventory.yml setup-virsh-net.yml
Create VMs
ansible-playbook -i inventory/static-inventory.yml deploy-vms.yml
(optional): reckick all VMs to restart with a clean environment
ansible-playbook -i inventory/static-inventory.yml rekick_vms.yml
test against ubuntu16.04
VMs specs can be configured
rebuild specific VM capability