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STRC Landing Page

This is a public repository for the STRC landing page. The front-end of the website is made from the Generator Gulp Webapp. If you want to learn more about the website's scaffold, read the Gulp Webapp documentation first.

Getting Started


  • Git (>2.2.2)
  • Node JS (>=0.12.0)
  • NPM (>=3.3.3)
  • Gulp (^3.9.0)
  • Terminal / iTerm (CLI)

General Instructions

1. Fork this repository

2. Clone your forked repository:

git clone [add-your-forked-repository-SSH-url-here]

3. Change directories into 'solve-the-refugee-crisis':

cd solve-the-refugee-crisis

4. Then, install all the node modules (this may take a while):

sudo npm install

5. Install all the bower components (this may take a while):

bower install

6. Run the gulp 'serve' task:

gulp serve

At that point you should see the site running on your local machine.

Windows-Specific Instructions

1. Open up Git Shell and clone the repository as shown above.

2. Install Node JS for Windows. Restart the computer after installation.

3. Update Node.js to the latest version:

'npm install npm -g'

4. Install bower:

'npm install -g bower'.

5. Change directories into 'solve-the-refugee-crisis' and follow steps 3-5 in the previous section.

Vagrant-Specific Instructions

On a Vagrant VM, the Linux procedure described above will not work. Instead, try following the steps described in this blog post or this blog post.

Making Contributions

Anyone who wants to make changes to the STRC website may fork this repository and open a pull request. Please provide detailed commit logs that describe the changes you propose, along with a concise description of your pull requests.

Pull requests are merged based upon the following criteria:

  • Proposed changes are clearly described in the title and comments of the pull request
  • Updates or clarifies the current state of the project
  • Increases accessibility
  • Improves performance
  • Improves design
  • Improves usability
  • Fixes a bug
  • Improves documentation
  • Makes some other incremental improvement not stated above but is a reasonable suggestion


If you are creating new front-end functionality, please write a mocha test in the ./test/spec suite. Proposed functionality without tests will not be merged into master.

  1. To run the tests, simply execute the Mocha Spec Runner:

gulp serve:test

You should see a simple interface which demonstrations your passed and failed assertions.

Trello Board

I've created a public trello board if anyone wants to help move this project forward they can assign themselves to a specific task and join the Refugee.Community Design & Development Team.

STRC — Website Trello Board


Solve the refugee crisis team website






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  • HTML 79.4%
  • CSS 13.7%
  • JavaScript 6.9%