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GXBASE Related Projects

GXBASE is now depreciated

This project is now depreciated and has moved on to autox. I have however standardized this repository and made installation easier. Please read the end of the document for how standardization changed. The original README has changed to suit forkers, the only people who would want to get this project's code and is also included below this paragraph:

BEGIN gxbase/README (the inline version of gxbase/README)


This project is now depreciated and will not be getting anymore updates except for coercing/directing those interested to it's child project, the end-result of the development done here and elsewhere (much like the original gxbase, which was codenamed excore, gxcore, gx, xc, etc. depending on where it was at that time (most of which was on gitorious, not here at github).

I have kept a few "historical" stages available here. They are very different stages that originall had codenames but since I cant remember exactly, I decided to just sick with the numbering system:

Branch Branch Description first incantation (core?) second incantation (gxcore or xc?) third (gx or excore?) fourth (gxbase I)
master fifth (gxbase final)
dev fifth (gxbase final, dev*)
* though 'dev' implies future development, it is likely not to happen. I set this up like this so that if for some crazy reason I change my mind or someone decides to fork, it will be available to fill that need. The branches that are related (or not related) are:
Unrelated Comment(s) no relations no relations no relations, but contents may have been duplicated from above
Related How? original rewrite of gxbase
old/misc mods changes done in 2013-14
master merged from old/misc mods above and LOCKED
dev merged from master and LOCKED

Possible Installation - USE AT OWN RISK!

The below install instructions were for the release that did not happen. If you wish to try to use gxbase, follow these instructions:

  1. Start a bash shell and login as the user you wish to use gxbase with, if you want system-wide then login with the root account or use sudo before the commands.
  2. Type (or cut and paste) the following -- typing is recommended because less errors are likely:

For Current User Only

mkdir ~/.local/share -p
cd ~/.local/share
git clone git://
cd ~/.local/share/gxbase
echo export PATH=$_/tools:$_/bin:$_/lib:$_:$PATH >> ~/.bashrc

Entire System-Wide

mkdir /usr/local/share -p
cd /usr/local/share
git clone git://
cd /usr/local/share/gxbase
echo export PATH=$_/tools:$_/bin:$_/lib:$_:$PATH >> /etc/bash.bashrc
  1. After logging off and logging back on, the gxbase interpreter ('gxbase') and it's tools will be available. However, it is depreciated so it never got into development, so unless you are forking this project, doing so is pointless for the most part unless you are just curious.
  2. Stop here until you wish to rid yourself of GXBASE
  3. Uninstallation is the reverse of the installation assuming you didnt modify your .bashrc or bash.bashrc since the installation:


rm -fr ~/.local/share/gxbase
cat ~/.bashrc | grep gxbase -v > $TMP
mv $TMP ~/.bashrc -f
unset TMP
source ~/.bashrc #to get rid of gxbase in path
hash -r #to get rid of refs to gxbase executables


rm -fr /usr/local/share/gxbase
cat /etc/bash.bashrc | grep gxbase -v > $TMP
mv $TMP /etc/bash.bashrc -f
unset TMP
source /etc/bash.bashrc #to get rid of gxbase in path
hash -r #to get rid of refs to gxbase executables
  1. Check out autox :)

❇️ It is probably better just to relogin than to rely on sourcing but it nearly fool proof, except on heavily customized systems.

❇️ If you use other startup files (like .bash-login, etc) then you will have to take different steps which should be obvious given the above instructions

❇️ NetworkFs based systems that want gxbase over all machines should use the /usr/share location instead of /usr/local/share per the filesystem standardization rules set forth for linux.

❇️ Windows users: unless you are using cygwin, i don't think this is for you. It may not even work there. That does not mean you cant fork it to make it work for windows.

❇️ Mac users: assuming you know the little details, should be able to use this without too much trouble.

❇️ The next release (first release) is not going to be done by me. But keep watch because someone may decide to take over the project. But don't hold your breath!

❇️  The original README now follows, it is pointless, but here it is...

Original Documentation

The original README section is omitted to prevent confusion and worthless duplication. Open (or click) the README document for that!

END of gxbase/README (the inline version of gxbase/README)


In a nutshell, has been applied project wide. The X.X.X.X branches represent old parts of the project no longer in production. From here on out, all main work will be done in 'dev' and all stable changes will be merged to 'master'. This is less confusion for everyone. Also, as per standardization, all version numbers will be in the form of tags and releases on github. The versioning system has been simplified and now is just year.month of that release, if at all.

This project is dated.

Most of this project is being stripped of it's parts and being incorporated into autox, which represents the 'meat' of the project's 3-year research/development run. I never intended this to be a serious project and was certain it would never be released. However, since it was a lot of sidework, i choose to keep it here (plus I can't really remove this repository anyway).

For a usable implementation of what you see here, please visit instead the autox website:


this project is depreciated, please see the new main project:







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