Watchdock is a Docker Desktop extension that helps manage images and containers and view image and container metrics. We created this to provide a simplified user experience so that developers can focus on creating applications instead of managing their images/containers. Watchdock is a multi-container application that has a frontend container, backend container, and database container that all communicate with each other. Its frontend is built with React and TypeScript and the backend is built with TypeScript and Node.js. Useful metrics available include CPU, Disk I/O, Memory, and Runtime.
Initial setup instructions: After cloning repo, run npm install in root directory. Make sure Docker Desktop is running.
Then simply go to Docker Desktop and explore the Watchdock application in the Extensions section!
Running the Application
The dashboard shows all containers and their metrics including container Name, CPU, Disk I/O, Memory, and Runtime.
In the container options column, users can choose to Run or Delete specific containers.
The Image dropdown menu at the top allows users to view specific images.
All contribution requests are reviewed and welcomed! 😊
- Contribution guidelines:
- Clone the repo to your machine and create a feature branch from the dev branch, naming it as the feature that is being worked on
- After completing changes, submit a pull request using the PR template provided
- Changes will be reviewed by main contributors
Feature | Status |
Access container/image metric data from backend | ⏳ |
Dynamic data visualization dashboard using D3 | 🙏🏻 |
Use Twilio to send notications when memory is low | 🙏🏻 |
- ⏳ = In progress
- 🙏🏻 = Looking for contributors
Blessing Ntekume 🖇️ 🐙 |
Cristian Corrales 🖇️ 🐙 |
Jonathan Nevarez 🖇️ 🐙 |
Jenny Schmalz 🖇️ 🐙 |
- 💻 = Website
- 🐙 = Github