This project provides a way to show and manage EDAApplications' and PharoEDA adapters' settings using the standard Pharo tool: Settings Browser.
Managing PharoEDA applications easily from within the Settings Browser can be useful. It can provide a way to list them, and modify which adapters it uses. Additionally, it allows managing the configuration of each adapter.
PharoEDA-Settings use PharoEDA to access the information regarding the current applications, and also the adapters published by PharoEDA-Adapters.
The design is centered around a single class, EDASettings
Load it with Metacello:
Metacello new repository: 'github://osoco/pharo-eda-settings:main'; baseline: #PharoEDASettings; load
Then, launch SettingBrowser
SettingBrowser open
- Refactor PharoEDA settings.
- Background of the Pharo image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.