Rewritten and working great.
This powershell script discovers the logical disks letters and physical disk index number for a windows machine. The returned values can be used to enable Zabbix to autodiscover all the individual disks in the following format:
[disk number] [drive letter]:
0 C:
Note: If there are multiple partitions on a physical disk, this script will only return the first drive letter that it finds on that physical disk. We want to create items and monitor drives like something like 0 C: and 1 E: We do not want to create items for 0 C: and 0 E: on the same host as this will throw an error. And who wants to monitor the same physical disk twice, that would redundant.
In order to monitor the physical disks for Windows performance monitoring within Zabbix as user must set up items for each individual disk. This is cumbersome as you must know the drive letter and index number for each Windows machine. Normal item syntax for physical disks within the Windows performance monitor in Zabbix looks like the following:
perf_counter[\234(0 C:)\208]
\234 Represents the Physical Disk.
\208 Represents Ave. Disk seconds/Read.
The conversion values are located in the registry.
Run regedit from the command line on your windows machine. Then navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009.
I would personally copy the contents of the file and put it into a text document if you want to reference them later. The numeric representation of the Windows Performance Monitoring metrics is better if you work in an environment where the machines may have different locales (i.e. Languages) because the Windows Perfomance Monitoring strings change based on locale.
The most relevant numeric representation is \234.
Our script returns JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) it will look like this.
{ "data":[ { "{#DISKLET}":"C:", "{#DISKNUMLET}":"0 C:" }
] }
You must create a UserParameter somewhere in the or zabbix_agent.conf file. It depends on what you named the file initially.
UserParameter=windowsdisk.discovery, powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\get_disks.ps1
Then restart the agent.
When you make a prototype item you must use the defined macro in the JSON object, in this case {#DISKNUMLET}.
It will look something like this:
If you add a physical disk to the computer and the populated discovered items become unsupported, restart the agent. They should become supported and begin transmitting metrics once again.
The included template has 21 prototype items within the discovery rule. It monitors the following Windows performance items:
% Disk Read Time
% Disk Time
% Disk Write Time
% Idle Time
Avg. Disk Bytes/Read
Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer
Avg. Disk Bytes/Write
Avg. Disk Queue Length
Avg. Disk Read Queue Length
Avg. Disk sec/Read
Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
Avg. Disk sec/Write
Avg. Disk Write Queue Length
Current Disk Queue Length
Disk Bytes/sec
Disk Reads/sec
Disk Transfer/sec
Disk Write Bytes/sec
Disk Writes/sec
Read Bytes/sec
Split IO/Sec
For addional Zabbix Windows Performance Monitoring, please visit the following website:
For more information about Zabbix Low Level Discovery visit this site: