Add CSS/LESS CLASS/ID completion support for ac-html
and company-web
This package provide completion data for EMACS's ac-html
(tested with v0.31, recent version v0.4 may not work 2015-09-29)
and company-web
modes by using external tool - csswatcher
To point your project root directory use projectile style (.git folder, etc) or use .csswatcher
file if you want ignore some CSS/LESS files.
Install/update Perl module - csswatcher
sudo cpan i CSS::Watcher
Add to emacs config file:
(require 'ac-html-csswatcher)
;; or if you prefer company-style names:
;; (company-web-csswatcher-setup)
Completion will regenerated by csswatcher after saving css/less files,
opening html(jade,slim,haml) files, or manually by
or company-web-csswatcher-refresh
To enable completion when editing html use M-x ac-html-csswatcher+
or add it in your hook.
If you need exclude some css files create inside your project file .csswatcher
and add:
# ignore all css
ignore: \.css$
# except app.css
use: app\.css
# and skip recursive scanning node_modules, it may be slow!
skip: node_modules