This Project is meant to be run as CLI Application.
I'll provide a Dockerfile
to build your own images using GraalVM native images.
Also, I'll provide another shellscript, which creates a container with a running webserver.
This way, you can directly see the formatted diff locally.
Usage: diffview [-hvV] [--debug] [-a[=<action>]] [--no-original-extension
[=<omitOriginalExtensions>]] [-o[=<outputDir>]] [-R
[=<repository>]] <files>...
<files>... The file(s) whose history/diffviews to generate.
-a, --action[=<action>] Which action to execute.
Possible values: (LOG|DIFF)
Default: LOG
--debug Sets the output to debug.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
Omits the original extension for output files.
e.g.: --> README.html instead of README.
or build.gradle --> build.html
Default: false
-o, --directory-out[=<outputDir>]
Sets the directory to output .html files to.
Files wll be created as [file name].html
Default: diffview-generated/
-R, --repository, --directory-in[=<repository>]
Sets the directory root to read from.
Has to be inside of a valid git repository.
-v, --verbose Sets the output to verbose.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Run the following commands inside of a git repository.
diffview [-hvV] [--debug] [-a[=<action>]] [--no-original-extension [=<omitOriginalExtensions>]] [-o[=<outputDir>]] [-R [=<repository>]] <files>...
diffview -v
docker run --rm -v "[path/to/repo]:/git" diffview [-hvV] [--debug] [-a[=<action>]] [--no-original-extension [=<omitOriginalExtensions>]] [-o[=<outputDir>]] [-R [=<repository>]] <files>...
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/git" diffview -v
java -jar diffview-git.jar [-hvV] [--debug] [-a[=<action>]] [--no-original-extension [=<omitOriginalExtensions>]] [-o[=<outputDir>]] [-R [=<repository>]] <files>...
java -jar diffview-git.jar -v
If you want to create the binaries from source, here you go!
Run gradlew assemble
inside of the repository.
This will generate the libraries (.jar) inside of the build/
After compiling the libraries (.jar), you can use GraalVM's native-image tool to generate a native image.
Run native-image -cp "application.jar:libs/*.jar:resources/*" com.github.ottx96.Entrypoint
inside of the folder build/layers
Run docker build -t "diffview:latest" .
or gradlew buildDockerImage
inside of the repository.
- Add parameter to limit the count of commits to display
- Add parameter to enlargen the displayed length of the file
- Directly serve the HTTP via web server (netty?) after converting the history
- Add parameter to auto-stop the web server (javascript / time limit)