The PAJ7620 integrates gesture recognition function with general I2C interface into a single chip forming an image analytic sensor system. It can recognize 9 human hand gesticulations such as moving up, down, left, right, forward, backward, circle-clockwise, circle-counter Key Parameters clockwise, and waving. It also offers built-in proximity detection in sensing approaching or departing object from the sensor. The PAJ7620 is packaged into module form in-built with IR LED and optics lens as a complete sensor solution
- 快速模式下,读取9种手势的功能
- 慢速模式下,读取9中基础手势和4中扩展手势的功能
- 基于快速模式,我们做了一个手势序列识别的例子,我们称之为手势密码
To use this library, first download the library file, paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory, then open the examples folder and run the demo in the folder.
* @brief 构造函数
* @param mode 构造设备时,可以指定它的默认工作模式
DFRobot_PAJ7620U2(TwoWire *pWire=&Wire);
* @brief 初始化函数
* @return 返回0表示初始化成功,返回其他值表示初始化失败
int begin(void);
* @brief 设置告诉手势识别模式
* @param b true表示配置为高速识别模式,以最快速度识别手势并返回。
* @n false表示低速模式,在低速模式下,系统会做更多的判断
* @n 在高速识别模式下,可以快速识别的动作包括向左滑动 向右滑动 向上滑动 向下滑动
* @n 向前滑动 向后滑动 逆时针 顺时针 快速挥手 9个动作
* @n 高级用户如果想要用这些动作的组合,需要在外部自己算法逻辑,比如左右左快速挥手
* @n 因为每个人用到的动作有限 ,我们没有将更多的扩展动作集在库中,需要用户在ino文件中自己完成算法逻辑
* @n
* @n
* @n 在低速识别模式下,每2秒识别一个动作,我们将一些扩展动作集成到库内部,方便基础用户使用
* @n 可以识别的动作包括向左滑动 向右滑动 向上滑动 向下滑动 向前滑动 向后滑动
* @n 逆时针 顺时针 快速挥手 9个基础动作 左右慢挥手 上下慢挥手 前后慢挥手 乱序慢挥手 4个扩展动作
void setGestureHighRate(bool b);
* @brief 获取手势号码对应的字符串描述
* @param gesture 包含在eGesture_t中的手势号码
* @return 手势号码对应的文字描述信息,如果输入了手势表中不存在的手势,返回空字符串
* @n 正常的返回值可能是 "None","Right","Left", "Up", "Down", "Forward", "Backward", "Clockwise",
* @n "Anti-Clockwise", "Wave", "WaveSlowlyDisorder", "WaveSlowlyLeftRight", "WaveSlowlyUpDown",
* @n "WaveSlowlyForwardBackward"
String gestureDescription(eGesture_t gesture);
* @brief 获取手势
* @return 返回手势,可能是的值为eGestureNone eGestureRight eGestureLeft eGestureUp
* @n eGestureDown eGestureForward eGestureBackward eGestureClockwise
* @n eGestureWave eGestureWaveSlowlyDisorder eGestureWaveSlowlyLeftRight
* @n eGestureWaveSlowlyUpDown eGestureWaveSlowlyForwardBackward
eGesture_t getGesture(void);
MCU | Work Well | Work Wrong | Untested | Remarks |
Arduino uno | √ | |||
Mega2560 | √ | |||
Leonardo | √ | |||
mPython/ESP32 | √ | |||
Microbit | √ |
- data 2019-7-16
- version V1.0
Written by Alexander([email protected]), 2019. (Welcome to our website)