这个仓库基于Widora提供的buildroot仓库修改而来,仓库原始地址 https://github.com/aodzip/buildroot-tiny200 如有侵权,请联系作者
- USB弹出RNDIS设备,默认地址10.0.3.1,PC机通过DHCP获取IP:
- 支持mDNS,默认地址 pythoniot.local
- 内置pinpong库,用户可以通过pinpong控制gpio iic spi pwm uart 以及多种传感器
- 支持UBIFS文件系统,更节省SPI-NAND空间
- 内置了WEBSSH,用户可以通过WEB浏览器进入SSH终端
Opensource development package for Allwinner F1C100s & F1C200s
Check this file to view current driver support progress for F1C100s/F1C200s: PROGRESS-SUNIV.md
Check this file to view current driver support progress for V3/V3s/S3/S3L: PROGRESS-V3.md
sudo apt install wget unzip build-essential git bc swig libncurses-dev libpython3-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt install pkg-config zlib1g-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt install python3-distutils
sudo apt install dfu-util
Notice: Root permission is not necessery for download or extract.
git clone https://github.com/aodzip/buildroot-tiny200
Notice: Root permission is not necessery for build firmware.
Caution: Apply defconfig will reset all buildroot configurations to default values.
Generally, you only need to apply it once.
cd buildroot-tiny200
make widora_mangopi_r3_defconfig
Buildroot will download sourcecode when compiling the firmware. You can grab a TRUSTWORTHY archive of 'dl' folder for speed up.
If you have a multicore CPU, you can try
make -j ${YOUR_CPU_COUNT}
or buy a powerful PC for yourself.
git clone https://github.com/Icenowy/sunxi-tools.git -b f1c100s-spiflash
cd sunxi-tools
sudo make install
- fel-uboot.sh: Run U-Boot in RAM by FEL mode.
- fel-linux.sh: Run the whole firmware in RAM by FEL mode.
- flash-mmc-flasher.sh: Create a TF card for flashing SPI NOR/NAND
- flash-mmc-all.sh: Flash sysimage-sdcard.img to /dev/sdb
- dfu-nand-all.sh: Flash SPI-NAND by DFU mode.
- dfu-nor-all.sh: Flash SPI-NOR by DFU mode.
- rebuild-uboot.sh: Recompile U-Boot when you direct edit U-Boot sourcecode.
- rebuild-kernel.sh: Recompile Kernel when you direct edit Kernel sourcecode.
- flash-nor-all.sh: DEPRECATED Flash sysimage-flash.img to nor flash by FEL mode.