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Luis Diogo Couto edited this page Nov 21, 2014 · 2 revisions

Core Architecture Overview:

The core modules are written in pure Java and all their dependencies are managed exclusively through Maven. This makes building and working on them a fairly straightforward process (see this link for some quick Maven instructions).

Fundamentally, all modules are built around the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The AST is an in-memory representation of the VDM model being worked on. The Parser is responsible for reading a VDM source and constructing its tree. The Type Checker is responsible for validating a tree. Practically all use cases for Overture involve a type checked AST. However, most modules should not need to interact with the Parser nor the Type Checker (but see further below) and instead should have a type checked AST provided to them. The task of constructing this AST should fall to an overall core module and only comes into play when interacting with the user. For example, the interpreter should only concern itself with executing an AST. How that AST came to be is of no importance to the interpreter.

The following figure gives an idealized an overall view of the modules and their interdependencies. It does not match the Maven modules on a 1 to 1 basis since it groups a few of them (for example Combinatorial Testing represents 2 Maven modules), But it should give you a good idea of the overall architecture of the Overture core. If you're curious, here is the whole thing.

Core Modules Architecture

Each module is explained below but there are some points worth making right away:

  • Most modules should interact only with the AST (either to build/analyze it) and with the Test Framework.
  • The Test Framework consists of some utility methods to use VDM sources as inputs and XML files as results. Most modules use it for testing, as expected.
  • Command Line and GUI Builder are isolated because they are not really modules in the same sense as the rest. The Command Line is just a bash script to wrap the core jars and the GUI Builder is an externally developed VDM tool that we bundle with Overture
  • A few of the plug-in modules need to interact with each other:
  • The POG uses the Pretty Printer to format its output
  • Combinatorial Testing uses the Interpreter to execute the generated tests.

While the current architecture is a significant step up from previous efforts, there are still some problems. The biggest issue is a lack of an overall module to coordinate the work between the various plug-ins. This is the reason why several plug-ins depend on each other. This issue occurs primarily when exposing functionality to the user. It is significantly less relevant on the IDE side where this kind of coordination code exists. But on the core side the lack of a coordinator introduces several additional dependencies that are not really needed.


Almost all Overture modules need to to interact with the AST. However, direct interaction with the tree is highly discouraged. This should be done with the visitor pattern. The AST contains a series of abstract visitors and interfaces that can be subclassed as necessary. See the Visitor Guide for details of how to build and use visitors.

The base functionality of most modules is implemented as a series of visitors. For, example the Type Checker consists of visitors that


Assistants are responsible for providing generic functionality that is required in multiple situations and that (for various reasons) cannot be implemented directly as a visitor. Once created, assistants are typically invoked from within a visitor as necessary. See the Assistant Guide for more information on assistants.

Module List:

Command Line

Consists of 2 very simple scripts (bash and bat) to run the command line version of Overture. These scripts essentially wrap the call to the main Overture jar. They are not actually connected to any of the modules so their influence on the architecture is none. Still, they are mentioned for completeness' sake.

GUI Builder

This is an externally developed that is currently being bundled together with Overture. This module also has no impact on the Overture architecture.


This is the central module of Overture. The AST module provides a series of classes that implement an AST for VDM. It consists mainly of node classes (the INode hierarchy) that represent the nodes of the tree and a series of abstract visitors that can be subclassed in order to implement new functionality visitors. Both the nodes and visitors are generated automatically with the ASTCreator tool from a specification file.

In addition to the auto-generated classes, there are several utility and support classes. The most notable are:

  • AstFactory, as the name implies, provides a factory for constructing most nodes in the tree. If you need to construct nodes for some reason, you are strongly encouraged to use this.
  • Assistants providing a series of generic functionalities.
  • Lex classes providing an implementation of the various kinds of tokens present in a VDM grammar.

As for the tree itself, it is very large and complex (around 300 nodes). This is because VDM itself is a rather large language (3 dialects) with a lot of syntax and the Overture tree follows the grammar very closely, practically on a 1-to-1 basis. As such the best way to familiarize yourself with the tree is to study the VDM grammar, available in the VDM language manual that ships with Overture (it can also be found in the documentation folder of the repository).

Relation Modules
Depends on: None
Dependency of: Parser, Type Checker, Pretty Printer ,POG, Combinatorial Testing, Code Generator, Interpreter, Pro B Solver

Test Framework

This is a support module for testing purposes. Its main functionalities are are to process test inputs and compare/store test results. In order to use it, you must subclass a TestCase and a TestSuite classes and implement a handful of methods for result handling. The framework itself is quite generic and does not actually depend on any other modules so it's usage is not necessarily specific to Overture/VDM. However, the framework's handling of result files is compatible with other VDM tools and so it enables the usage of additional tests. A crash user guide is available here.

Relation Modules
Depends on: None
Dependency of: Parser, Type Checker, POG, Combinatorial Testing, Code Generator, Interpreter, Pro B Solver


This module is responsible for constructing an AST from VDM source files. The Overture parser is handwritten and while quite efficient, is challenging to maintain. The parser provides utility classes and methods to turn an input (String, File...) into an AST. These are used by various modules and are, in general, problematic since the parser should not be depended upon by modules that have no concept of VDM sources. Many of these usages are strictly for testing purposes since the only way to construct any but the most trivial AST is to write a VDM source and parse it. As such we have omitted these connections from the idealized diagram.

The parser dependency issue should be alleviated by introducing a framework to directly manipulate the AST for testing purposes. In addition, the dependencies on the parser themselves should be made looser since at the moment they exist as static calls to parser methods which makes it harder to replace/change the parser. It also makes extending the modules problematic since the static calls cannot easily be hooked into. In general, there should be an intermediate facade module to provide parsing(and type checking) functionalities to all other plug-ins.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST, Test Framework
Dependency of: Type Checker, POG, Code Generator

Type Checker

This module is used following the parser in almost all use cases for Overture. It is responsible for type checking an AST which consists of validating the types and setting them on all nodes across the tree. Much like the parser, there are utility methods for type checking an AST but also for producing a type checked tree from a VDM source. These methods are used in similar contexts as the ones from the parser and suffer from the same issues. There is also the fact that it's possible to build a type checked tree directly through the type checker or in two steps by using first the parser and then the type checker. In general, this kind of duplication only serves to muddle things. There should be a single way to perform such a basic and standard task.

Unlike with the parser, the type checker has additional utility methods that are used in the production code. These methods perform various kinds of functionalities such as, for example, testing if a given union type contains a boolean type. Most of these utilities are exported through the assistant system so they do not pose as much of an extensibility issue. However, from a conceptual point of view, while many of these features are crucial, they are not features of the type checker itself but rather of the VDM type system.

The type checker should be separated into two modules: a type checker module that is only responsible for validating a tree and that would contain most of the visitors and code for traversing a tree; and a type system module with the various utilities that would allow a developer to more easily interact with the VDM type system. It's possible that these modules would be tightly coupled and the type checker would surely make extensive use of the type system. But this would allow other modules to disconnect from the type checker which would be important since the other modules have no notion of type checking a tree. For them, all trees are type correct.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST, Test Framework, Parser
Dependency of: Pro B Solver, POG, Interpreter, Code Generator

Pretty Printer

This module is used for printing an AST, ie, converting it to a String. The module depends only on the AST and can be used by any module that wishes to display a tree to the user. At the moment, that includes only the POG. The module is implemented mostly as a series of visitors that walk the tree and produce a String for any given node.

Please note however, that this module is very outdated and incomplete. It's functionality can be (badly) approximated by toString() methods in the AST nodes and that is what most modules end up using.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST
Dependency of: POG


This module is used for generating Proof Obligations for a VDM model that, if discharged, ensure the internal consistency of the model. The POG is particular in the sense that both its input and output are ASTs.

The POG relies on the Type Checker for interacting with the VDM type system and the Parser for testing purposes, both of which are considered a bad code smell.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST, Pretty Printer, Type Checker, Parser, Test Framework
Dependency of: None

Combinatorial Testing

This module is used to generate tests for a model, based on user-specified traces. The module is also responsible for executing the generated tests.

Relation Modules
Depends on: Interpreter
Dependency of: None

Code Generator

This module is responsible for generating source code (Java/C++...) based off a VDM model. It is still in early stages of development and subject to heavy changes.

The Code Generator relies on the Type Checker for interacting with the VDM type system and the Parser and Interpreter for testing purposes, all of which are considered a bad code smell.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST, Parser, Type Checker, Interpreter
Dependency of: None


This module is responsible for executing VDM models and interacting with the user. Because it interacts with the user, it also implements significant portions of the command line interface, such as access to the POG. This is considered a code smell.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST, Type Checker, POG, Test Framework
Dependency of: Combinatorial Testing, Pro B Solver

ProB Solver

This module integrates Overture with the Prob B tool to enable the execution of implicit VDM definitions.

This module is composed of two sub-modules. One of them implements the actual Pro B connection. The other provides integration between the Pro B Connection and the Interpreter in order to execute the models. This is a potential alternative to organize the core modules with various integration modules instead of the single orchestration module.

Relation Modules
Depends on: AST, Type Checker, Interpreter
Dependency of: None