Make CloudFront resize images "on the fly" via lambda@edge, cache it and persists it in S3. Utilises Sharp for image transformations.
Illustration & inspiration from this blog post
Since this relies on compiled binaries for libvips, the package & deploy is a bit cumbersome.
rm -rf node_modules
docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:build-nodejs6.10 /bin/bash -c 'npm install -g serverless && npm install && sls package'
sls deploy -p .serverless
- Functions have to reside in
- Node 6.10 only
- No environment variables
- Viewer-* functions are limited to 5 seconds execution and 128 MB RAM See here
- Response-* functions normal Lambda limits
- CloudFront deployment takes about 20 minutes. Hence, an update of functions takes the same time
- CloudWatch logs appear at the closest option to the edge location of a request
- Tests! Given we have to wait 20 minutes for a deployment, a "production" failure is quite costly
- Add dynamic configuration file to work around the missing environment in lambda@edge
- Make the resizing more resilient (limit to original image dimensions, allow something like
to scale one dimension dynamically) - Encode dimensions in path to get rid of the
function - Expose more Sharp features
- On-Demand external image source
- e.g. fetch original image from and persist it in S3
- Add Kinsesis stream to aggregate all CloudWatch logs from functions across all edge locations