We are a research group that conducts design, fabrication and characterization in nonlinear photonics. Our goal is to develop integrated nonlinear photonic devices for applications in optical communications, sensing, and quantum information processing. We are located at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Our website can be found at the following link: https://www.nonlinearphotonics.ca/
This github repository serves as a workspace for our group to share simulation, fabrication and characterization (experimental setup) software. For more information please contact Ozan W. Oner ([email protected]).
We study nonlinear integrated photonic devices based on III-V semiconductors, previously studied platforms were AlGaAs/GaAs and InGaAsP/InP. However, more recently, we are attempting to develop a Nonlinear-On-Insulator (NOI) process which will consist InGaAsP-OI and AlGaAs-OI.
Our publication "Group III-V semiconductors as promising nonlinear integrated photonic platforms," contains info on III-V semiconductors optical properties, especially the nonlinear properties. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/23746149.2022.2097020
We also study the nonlinear optical properties of various materials at THz frequencies.
Nanostructuring of local-field effects as mechanisms to control and enhance the optical properties of materials are also being studied.