!! WARNING : It has still some debugs.
After my Chip8 Emulator adventure, my interest in low level programming and emulators increased even more. Therefore, I set my sights a higher and decided to make a GameBoy Emulator. This development adventure will be exciting even if it scares me a bit :).
- SDL2
- https://gbdev.io/pandocs/
- https://www.pastraiser.com/cpu/gameboy/gameboy_opcodes.html
- https://archive.org/details/GameBoyProgManVer1.1/page/n85/mode/2up
- https://github.com/rockytriton/LLD_gbemu/raw/main/docs/The%20Cycle-Accurate%20Game%20Boy%20Docs.pdf
- https://github.com/rockytriton/LLD_gbemu/raw/main/docs/gbctr.pdf
- https://rgbds.gbdev.io/docs/v0.7.0/gbz80.7#cc -> More detailed for instructions