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This is a set of custom components for home-assistant. To install any of them simply place its folder inside your <config directory>/custom_components folder. Table of components:

  • broadlink_asyncio: RemoteDevice component that supports Broadlink RM smart remotes.
  • orvibo_asyncio switch: SwitchDevice component that supports Orvibo s20 smart plugs.
  • orvibo_asyncio remote: RemoteDevice component that supports Orvibo Allone smart remotes.
  • gocomma: RemoteDevice component that supports Gocomma r9 smart remotes (and maybe also other Tuya smart remotes).
  • samsungctl_remote: RemoteDevice component that uses samsung TV network protocol (see samsungctl).
  • upnp_renderingcontrol: RemoteDevice component that uses UPNP RenderingControl service to control volume, brightness, contrast, sharpness, muteness of a smart TV device.
  • upnp_maintvagent2: RemoteDevice component that uses UPNP MainTVAgent2 service to set channel and video source of some Samsung smart TVs.
  • google_assistant: A modified version of home-assistant google-assistant component to support calling script that need parameters.


RemoteDevice component that supports Broadlink RM devices. To get started put /broadlink_asyncio/ here: <config directory>/custom_components/broadlink_asyncio/

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: broadlink_asyncio
      name: diningroom
      host: $ip_addr$
      mac: $mac_addr$
      timeout: $timeout$
                  - $commandstring_ch0$
                  - $commandstring_ch1$
                  - $commandstring_mute$
                  - $commandstring_volume_p$
                  - $commandstring_volume_m$
                  - $commandstring_source1$
                  - $commandstring_source2$
                  - $commandstring_equalization$

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be broadlink_asyncio broadlink_asyncio
name (Required) Name your device diningroom
host (Required) The ip address of your Broadlink RM
mac (Required) The mac address of your Broadlink RM AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds used in the communication with your Broadlink RM. Default 3 5
remotes (Optional) Map (dictionary) of the devices that you want to control with your Broadlink RM. Each key is the name of the device to control. Each value is itself a dictionary whose keys are the key button names and values are a list of the commands associated to the key button. Default empty See above

The command string can be either

  • h followed by the command learned by the device in hex format: e.g.: h26007600082008250817085b082908290825081c080001a808210852081808180818081c0718071
  • r followed by the command learned by the device in base64 encoded format: e.g.: rihGyESYCpAYSAqQGEgKkBiYCMAIcAjoCHAI6AiYCRAIcAkQCHAKkBiYC
  • t followed by a floating point number. This represents a delay in seconds: e.g.: t0.5

Entities created

This component will create one entity for each devices in the remotes map and an additional entity. The above example will create 3 entities with the following ids:

  • remote.diningroom_maintv
  • remote.diningroom_hifi
  • remote.diningroom

Sending commands

Use the service remote.send_command with the following data

parameter description example
entity_id (Required) use any of the entities created remote.diningroom_maintv
command (Required) list of commands to send. It must contain commands defined in the remotes map. It can also contain delay commands. ["ch1","t0.5","ch0"]
["ch101"] will also work to press in sequence ch1, ch0 and ch1
["volume_p#10"] can be used to send 10 times volume_p command
num_repeats (Optional) Number of repetitions of the command specified Default 1 2
hold_secs (Optional) Seconds to be waited between each command in list Default 0 0.5
delay_secs (Optional) Seconds to be waited between each repetition of command list Default 0 1

Learning remote key buttons

Use the service remote.broadlink_asycio_learn with the following data

parameter description example
entity_id (Required) use the entity that is not associated to any device name remote.diningroom
timeout (Optional) Seconds to be waited at most for key press Default 30 10
keys (Optional) list of the names of the keys to learn Default ["NA_1"] ["ch0","ch1","enter","back","volume_p"]

On service invocation the Broadlink RM will be put in learning mode and ask for keys to learn. On key reception the command string to be put in the configuration file will be written in the persistent notification section of the lovelace GUI (identified by the đź””), and will be added in the last_learned dict in entity attributes. To show a notification that asks for the key to be pressed the home-assistant alerting service can be used. For example:

    - platform: html5
      name: html5notif
      vapid_pub_key: $pub_key$
      vapid_prv_key: $prv_key$
      vapid_email: $vapid_email$
          name: Remote learning
          entity_id: remote.diningroom
          repeat: 30
          state: learning_key
          can_acknowledge: true
          message: Please press {{ states.remote.diningroom.attributes.key_to_learn }}
              - html5notif

For more informations on how to configure html5 notifications in home-assistant have a look here.

Entity state and attributes

The state of the entities created by this component can take one of the following values:

value meaning
on the Broadlink RM device is up and running but not in learning mode
off the Broadlink RM device does not respond to commands: probably it is switched off
learning_init the Broadlink RM is entering learning mode
learning_ok the Broadlink RM has entered learning mode correctly
learning_key the Broadlink RM device is in learning mode and is waiting for a key press

The attributes dict of the entity created has the following fields:

key value
key_to_learn when the state is learning_key it contains the name of the key that should be pressed
last_learned a dict that contains the learned keys since last home-assistant switch off. The keys of the dictionary are the remote key names and the values are the hexadecimal strings that can be used in the remotes map command strings with the h prefix.

orvibo_asyncio switch

Switch component that supports Orvibo s20 devices. To get started put /orvibo_asyncio/(switch|__init__).py here: <config directory>/custom_components/orvibo_asyncio/. Please note that this component is NOT compatible with the official orvibo component. They should not be enabled simultaneously.

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: orvibo_asyncio
      host: $ip_addr$
      mac: $mac_addr$
      name: lamp
      timeout: $timeout$

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be orvibo_asyncio orvibo_asyncio
name (Required) Name your device lamp
host (Required) The ip address of your Orvibo s20
mac (Required) The mac address of your Orvibo s20 AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds used in the communication with the Orvibo s20. Default 3 5

Entities created

The component will create an entity for each switch defined in the switch array. The above example will create and register an entity with id switch.lamp.

Sending commands

Use the services switch.turn_on, switch.turn_off and switch.toggle respectively to turn on, turn off or toggle your s20 smart plug. The only parameter that they need is the switch entity_id.

Discovery service

On platform initialization the service switch.orvibo_asyncio_switch_discovery is registered. It can be used to discover new, unknown Orvibo s20 devices. The service can be called with the following data:

parameter description example
timeout (Optional) stop discovery after the given timeout in seconds. Default 10 30
broadcast_address (Optional) use the given broadcast address to look for s20 smart plugs. Default

If any s20 device is found during discovery, an entity for each previously unknown switch is created with id switch.s_aabbccddeeff where aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff is the s20 mac address.

Entity state and attributes

The state of the entities created by this component can take one of the following values:

value meaning
on the s20 switch is on
off the s20 switch is off

The switch entity does not provide attributes.

orvibo_asyncio remote

Remote component that supports Orvibo Allone devices. To get started put /orvibo_asyncio/(remote|__init__).py here: <config directory>/custom_components/orvibo_asyncio/. Please note that this component is NOT compatible with the official orvibo component. They should not be enabled simultaneously.

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: orvibo_asyncio
      host: $ip_addr$
      mac: $mac_addr$
      name: diningroom
      timeout: $timeout$
                  - $commandstring_ch0$
                  - $commandstring_ch1$
                  - $commandstring_mute$
                  - $commandstring_volume_p$
                  - $commandstring_volume_m$
                  - $commandstring_source$
                  - $commandstring_equalization$

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be orvibo_asyncio orvibo_asyncio
name (Required) Name your device diningroom
host (Required) The ip address of your Orvibo Allone
mac (Required) The mac address of your Orvibo Allone AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds used in the communication with the Orvibo Allone. Default 3 5
remotes (Optional) See broadlink_asyncio. Default empty See above

Entities created

The component will create an entity for each remote defined in the Allone array. The above example will create 3 entities with the following ids:

  • remote.diningroom_maintv
  • remote.diningroom_hifi
  • remote.diningroom

Sending commands

See broadlink_asyncio.

Learning remote key buttons

See broadlink_asyncio.

Discovery service

The service name is remote.orvibo_asyncio_remote_discovery. New entities will be created in the remote domain. See orvibo_asyncio for details.

Entity state and attributes

See broadlink_asyncio.


RemoteDevice component that supports Gocomma r9 and maybe also other standard Tuya smart remote devices. To get started put /gocomma/ here: <config directory>/custom_components/gocomma/

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: gocomma
      name: diningroom
      host: $ip_addr$
      id: $tuya_id$
      key: $tuya_key$
      timeout: $timeout$
                  - $commandstring_ch0$
                  - $commandstring_ch1$
                  - $commandstring_mute$
                  - $commandstring_volume_p$
                  - $commandstring_volume_m$
                  - $commandstring_source1$
                  - $commandstring_source2$
                  - $commandstring_equalization$

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be gocomma gocomma
name (Required) Name your device diningroom
host (Required) The ip address of your Gocomma r9
id (Required) The Tuya id of your Gocomma r9. See here to know how to get it 28062578bcd1bcda2cf9
key (Required) The Tuya key of your Gocomma r9. See here to know how to get it 1234567890abcdef
timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds used in the communication with your Gocomma r9. Default 3 5
remotes (Optional) See broadlink_asyncio. Default empty See above

Entities created

See broadlink_asyncio.

Sending commands

See broadlink_asyncio.

Learning remote key buttons

See broadlink_asyncio.

Entity state and attributes

See broadlink_asyncio.


RemoteDevice component that uses samsung TV network protocol (see samsungctl). To get started put /samsungctl_remote/ here: <config directory>/custom_components/samsungctl_remote/.

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: samsungctl_remote
      name: samsung_tv
      file_path: "/config/sottosamctl.conf"

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be samsungctl_remote broadlink_asyncio
name (Required) Name your TV remote samsung_tv
file_path (Required) The path of samsungctl library configuration file. You will have to run the library to get the configuration file. "/config/sottosamctl.conf"

Entities created

With the above configuration, the component will create and register an entity with id remote.samsung_tv.

Sending commands

See broadlink_asyncio. The supported commands can be found here. Examples of command list:

example action
["ch345"] will send KEY_3, KEY_4 and KEY_5 in sequence
["KEY_SOURCE#3"] will send KEY_SOURCE, three times
["KEY_SOURCE","t1","KEY_LEFT","t0.5","KEY_LEFT"] will send KEY_SOURCE, wait 1s, send KEY_LEFT, wait 0.5s and send KEY_LEFT.

Entity state and attributes

The state of the entities created by this component can take one of the following values:

value meaning
on the TV is switched on
off the TV is switched off

The remote entity does not provide attributes.


RemoteDevice component that uses UPNP RenderingControl service to control volume, brightness, contrast, sharpness, muteness of a smart TV. To get started put /upnp_renderingcontrol/ here: <config directory>/custom_components/upnp_renderingcontrol/.

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: upnp_renderingcontrol
      name: samsung_tv_rc
      url: $upnp_url$
      timeout: 10

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be upnp_renderingcontrol upnp_renderingcontrol
name (Required) Name your device samsung_tv_rc
url (Required) The http URL of the RenderingControl service of the TV to control.
timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds used in the communication with your TV. Default 5 10

To know if your TV supports UPNP RenderingControl service and its url, please take the following steps:

  1. run pip3 install async-upnp-client
  2. run upnp-client --pprint search > search_upnp.txt
  3. inspect the search_upnp.txt file searching for "RenderingControl". If your TV supports it, you will most likely find a section similar to this
    "CACHE-CONTROL": "max-age=1800",
    "Date": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:03:33 GMT",
    "EXT": "",
    "LOCATION": "",
    "SERVER": "SHP, UPnP/1.0, Samsung UPnP SDK/1.0",
    "ST": "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1",
    "USN": "uuid:08f0d182-0096-1000-bf66-f877b8a47bf1::urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1",
    "Content-Length": "0",
    "_timestamp": "2019-05-09 01:35:19.611611",
    "_address": "",
    "_udn": "uuid:08f0d182-0096-1000-bf66-f877b8a47bf1",
    "_source": "search"

the string near to LOCATION is the url to place in the configuration file.

Entities created

With the above configuration, the component will create and register an entity with id remote.samsung_tv_rc.

Sending commands

See broadlink_asyncio. The allowed commands are:

  • volume
  • contrast
  • brightness
  • sharpness
  • mute

Please note that not all TVs support all commands.

Examples of command list:

example action
["volume#30"] will set the volume to 30%
["volume#10","t1","brightness#100"] will set the volume to 10%, wait 1s and then set the brightness to 100%

Entity state and attributes

The state of the entities created by this component can take one of the following values:

value meaning
on the TV is switched on
off the TV is switched off

The attributes dict of the entity created has the following fields:

key value
volume the current volume of the TV.
brightness the current brightness of the TV.
contrast the current contrast of the TV.
sharpness the current sharpness of the TV.
mute the current mute state of the TV.


RemoteDevice component that uses UPNP MainTVAgent2 service to set channel and video source of some Samsung smart TVs. To get started put /upnp_maintvagent2/ here: <config directory>/custom_components/upnp_maintvagent2/.

Example configuration.yaml

    - platform: upnp_maintvagent2
      name: samsung_tv_mta2
      url: $upnp_url$
      timeout: 10

Configuration variables

key description example
platform (Required) Must be upnp_maintvagent2 upnp_maintvagent2
name (Required) Name your device samsung_tv_mta2
url (Required) The http URL of the MainTVAgent2 service of the TV to control.
timeout (Optional) Timeout in seconds used in the communication with your TV. Default 5 10

To know if your TV supports UPNP MainTVAgent2 service and its url, please take the following steps:

  1. run pip3 install async-upnp-client
  2. run upnp-client --pprint search > search_upnp.txt
  3. inspect the search_upnp.txt file searching for "MainTVAgent2". If your TV supports it you will most likely find a section similar to this
    "CACHE-CONTROL": "max-age=1800",
    "Date": "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:03:33 GMT",
    "EXT": "",
    "LOCATION": "",
    "SERVER": "SHP, UPnP/1.0, Samsung UPnP SDK/1.0",
    "ST": "",
    "USN": "",
    "Content-Length": "0",
    "_timestamp": "2019-05-09 01:35:19.619607",
    "_address": "",
    "_udn": "uuid:05f5e100-0064-1000-b398-f877b8a47bf1",
    "_source": "search"

the string near to LOCATION is the url to place in the configuration file.

Entities created

With the above configuration, the component will create and register an entity with id remote.samsung_tv_mta2.

Sending commands

See broadlink_asyncio. The allowed commands are:

  • ch[0-9]+
  • sr[0-9]+

Examples of command list:

example action
["ch340"] will set TV channel to 340
["sr1"] will set the AV source to the second one (HDMI1?) in the sources list. Usually the first one (index 0) is the TV source.

Entity state and attributes

The state of the entities created by this component can take one of the following values:

value meaning
on the TV is switched on
off the TV is switched off

The attributes dict of the entity created has the following fields:

key value
channel the number of the current channel set on the TV.
source the name of the current source set on the TV.
sourceidx the index of the current source set on the TV.


A modified version of home-assistant google-assistant component to support calling script that need parameters.

Example configuration.yaml

    project_id: $google_project_id$
    api_key: $google_api_key$
            expose: true
            name: remote_send_kkk_yellow
                - giallo
                - tasto giallo
                key: KEY_YELLOW
                mult: 1
                var: samsung_tv
            expose: true
            name: remote_send_kkk_curtain
                - curtain
            data_template: >
                    "key": "{{ 'curtain_up' if on else 'curtain_down' }}",
                    "mult": 1,
                    "var": "diningroom"
            onoff_template: 'on'
            expose: true
            name: remote_send_kkk_volume
                - volume
            data_template: >
                    "key": "volume",
                    "mult": "{{variable}}",
                    "var": "samsung_tv_rc"
            brightness_template: "{{states.remote.samsung_tv_rc.attributes.volume}}"

            - service: remote.send_command
                  entity_id: "remote.{{ var }}"
                  command: "{{ key }}#{{ mult }}"

Configuration variables

Please refer to the original google_assistant component. This modified version allows to specify script entities in the entity_config with parameters. Instead of using script entity id in entity_config you can specify script.myscript_kkk_par where par is a name you can choose to identify the parameter passed to the script myscript and _kkk_ is a fixed separator you have to use. Script parameter can be specified by the data dict or the data_template dict. When using the original google_assistant component, the script invocation will always be seen as a scene that can be activated. When using the modified google_assistant component, the data_template field, the onff_template field and the brightness_template field, the script invocation will be seen by google as a light that can be switched on or off and whose brightness can be trimmed. data_template should expand to a valid dict in JSON format. This will be passed as data when invoking the script. Inside data_template, you can use the following variables:

variable value
on 1 if a turn on action was invoked
0 if a turn off action was invoked
-1 if a brightness set action was invoked
variable requested absolute brightness value if a brightness set action was invoked
-1 otherwise

To report to google the brightness and on/off state after the script invocation, brightness_template and onoff_template can be used. brightness_template has to return the actual absolute brightness value as string or int. onoff_template has to return "off" to report the off state; anything else will report the on state. Reporting to google the correct state is essential for the brightness set voice command to work properly.


Custom components for home-assistant






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