- Creative Applications of Deep Learning w/ Tensorflow - Curso de Kadenze
- TensorFlow Tutorial 1 - From the basics to slightly more interesting applications of TensorFlow
- TensorFlow Tutorial 2 - Introduction to deep learning based on Google's TensorFlow framework. These tutorials are direct ports of Newmu's Theano
- Awesome List Tensorflow
- Playground - web interactiva
- Workshop ML4Music
- Musica con Restricted Boltzman Machines - Siraj
- Musica con LSTM - Siraj
- Magenta - Google - Redes neuronales y música
- Composing Music With Recurrent Neural Networks
- Artist and Machine intelligence
- Composing Music with LSTM Recurrent Networks - Blues Improvisation
- DeepBach - Paper
- Chopin Music Generation with RNN
- DeepBach
- How to Generate Music - Intro to Deep Learning
- Algorithmic Music Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks
- Generating Music with RNN
- Generate Music in TensorFlow
- http://jazzomat.hfm-weimar.de/dbformat/dbformat.html - (300 solos de jazz. Varias tareas de clasificación: año, artista, estilo. Base de datos con un formato peculiar.)
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02542 / http://deeplearning.net/datasets/ - 20K midis de 5 datasets (piano clásico, canciones folcloricas, orquestas y clásico, corales de Bach y más piezas clásicas).
- http://jmir.sourceforge.net/Bodhidharma.html - Genre classification. Es un programa pero habla de la competencia mirex donde concursó.
- https://teachingmir.wikispaces.com/Datasets
- http://musicalmetacreation.org/
- https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/forum/#!topic/magenta-discuss/6ZLbzTjjpHM - Más jazz
- http://www.isophonics.net/content/metrical-structure-annotations-gtzan-dataset - Dataset para inferencia de metrical structure
- http://musicalmetacreation.org/links/corpora/ - Datos de todo tipo y color