Java & Spring Boot RESTful server for relaying information between devices for the game Pac Macro.
The official specification for the game can be found here.
The newest stable version of the server is running at Heroku.
The Travis CI service (continuous integration for tests) is located at pacmacro/pm-server-spring.
The Docker image is located at pacmacro/pm-server.
To set up the server on your local machine (for development or for prototyping other projects), see
For comprehensive and clear documentation, see the wiki.
For example calls using cURL, see the directory api-calls/.
Purpose | Technology |
Development Language | Java 1.8 |
Web Framework | Spring Boot 1.3.5 |
Testing Framework | JUnit 4.12 |
Continous Integration (Testing) | Travis CI |
Logging Utility | Apache Log4j 2 |
Build System | Apache Maven |
Deployment | Heroku |
Application Container | Docker |
This project is brought to you in part by:
Mobify, a sponsor of this Pac Macro implementation
- Andy Lumb (alumb), the original creator of Pac Macro with the SFU CSSS