This application is a school project built in React. It was created by Daniel Palmdal (danielpalmdal), Sebastian Mineur (NervousNerve), Amanda Olsson (sotigt), Sara Mattisson (NotSahara), Marko Zdravkovski (Marko350), Axel Björnfot (axel-bjornfot) and Saga Swahn (hejsaga).
The main goal of the application was to build our first front-end project in React: an e-commerce for second hand cars. The application was created from a list of strict requirements and user stories. Product owner expected a fully functional webshop, with the exception of integrating payment solutions.
The core functionalities were to facilitate a responsive e-commerce where you can buy, browse, search and filter among products. All purchases are bound to specific users who can register, manage their purchases and view their purchase history.
The project is built in: React ^17.0.1
Libraries used: react-lazyload: ^3.2.0 react-slick: ^0.28.1 slick-carousel: ^1.8.1
To run this project, download and install it locally by using npm or yarn: $ npm install $ npm start
or install all dependencies: $ npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core $ npm install --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons $ npm install --save @fortawesome/react-fontawesome $ npm install slick-carousel $ npm install react-slick --save $ npm install --save react-lazyload
The project is finalised and owned by its creators.