open command line and get into the project directory and then run this following command
npm install
PLEASE ADD MORE FEATURES that you think, MUST BE INCLUDED in this boilerplate project.
- Uploading the file is not working properly for some unknown reason
- Incudes a LOGIN and REGISTERATION form with "a complete set of functionality".
- Has a file uploading ability
- Can send email to your specified gmail account when a user sumbits details in the contacts form
- Install Nodejs (I used node v8.11.4 and npm v6.4.0)
- Install Mongodb (I used MongoDB shell version v3.6.7)
(optionaly packages that can be installed.)
- Installing nodemon (a npm package) globally. (I used nodemon v1.18.3)
- express-session is used for session handling and caching.
- mongodb native driver is used for manipulating the Mongodb database.
- express-handlebars is used as the templating engine.
- express-validator is used for validating the forms.
- use "connect-mongo" npm module for storing sessions in the mongodb database.
- use "nodemailer" npm module for mailing blog posts or notifications from this website automatically to the user's mail ID
- use "serve-favicon" npm module
- use "compression" npm module to shrink the http payload
- add a bootstrap WARNING modal box, when the provided email id is already available. (need to create custom express-handlebars expression to to this or got to use some other method)