Twitter produces daily an incredible amount of real-time information, but lacks of an effective tool to explore which topics are being discussed by users with similar interests. This tool uses an augmented network of Twitter's following users to build a personalized, dynamic and interactive list of hot topics.
If you have a Twitter account, you can access What's Hot on Twitter in this URL:
Core dependencies:
- sqlalchemy
Websockets server:
- mod_pywebsocket
- tweepy
- simplejson
- nltk WordNet Lemmatizer
- twitter-text-python
Web server:
- Flask
- OAuth
First, clone this repository:
$ git clone git://
You must have a valid Twitter consumer key and consumer secret to run this application. If you don't have one, go to and register a new application.
The data tables for the MySQL database can be created using the SQL in the file 'db.sql'.
After setting the database, change the file '' with your Twitter consumer key and consumer secret and with the credentials for the MySQL database.
Make sure all dependencies are installed. For mod_pywebsocket, go to the repository directory and get the mod_pywebsocket package by running:
$ svn checkout mod_pywebsocket
To start the websockets server, run the pywebsocket standalone server with the command:
$ export PYTHONPATH=. && python mod_pywebsocket/ -m handler_map.txt -p 8880 -d websockets --log-level=info
To start the Web server, run:
$ export PYTHONPATH=. && python whatshot/
If you have a Github account please fork the repository, create a topic branch, and commit your changes. Then submit a pull request from that branch.
Written by André Panisson [email protected]
Copyright (C) 2012 André Panisson
You can contact me by email ([email protected]) or write to:
André Panisson, ISI Foundation, Via Alassio 11/c, 10126 Torino, Italy.