Example application code for my talk "FLOW3 as RESTful data proxy for Sencha Touch 2 App" at T3CON12ASIA.
All Packages/Framework/* in this repository are directly linked as submodules from git.typo3.org.
- To run FLOW3 on your computer please visit requirements here http://flow3.typo3.org/documentation/guide/partii/requirements.html
- Google Chrome or Safari web browser or iOS Simulator will be best ;)
To install (Ubuntu or Mac):
Note: Disk paths shown below are not mandatory. You can put the code anywhere on the disk.
- git clone git://github.com/pankajlele/t3con12asia.git /var/www/t3con12asia.app
- cd /var/www/t3con12asia.app
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- Create new MySQL database and a user if you want
- Create new VirtualHost pointing to /var/www/t3con12asia.app/FLOW3Application/Web (Visit http://flow3.typo3.org/documentation/guide/partii/installation.html for more information)
- Create a local DNS entry in your /etc/hosts file t3con12asia.app
- Edit /var/www/t3con12asia.app/FLOW3Application/Configuration/Development/Settings.yaml file and update the database name and credentials
- cd /var/www/t3con12asia.app/FLOW3Application
- ./flow3 doctrine:migrate
- Open http://t3con12asia.app/app in Google Chrome or Safari and enjoy the demo