Urban Legend is a social media platform that helps people who's consider relocating to metro area all across the globe with connecting with each other. User can obtain living quality metrics information by searching for known metro area in the database, and once signed up and logged in, will be given the ability to start a post to discuss about the particular city. Registered users can comment on posts as well as comments, follow each other, and look at other user's post in their profile page. Hosted Website
- React | Redux | Bootstrap
- Ruby on Rails | PostgreSQL GitHub Link here
To explore this responsive web application, you can simply visit this link. Alternatively, fork and clone this repository to your local machine. Since the back end API is hosted on Heroku, there is no need to fork and clone the urban_legend_backend
- Navigate to the main folder of the application.
- Run
npm install
to install all NPM packages and dependencies. - Alternatively, you can also run
yarn install
- Run
npm start
to open the application in your browser.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Pan Li - https://github.com/oopanpan