GraphX for .NET
- Added edge endpoint calculation for rotated vertex that use ellipse, circle and rectangle math shape
- Added VertexControl::LabelAttached and LabelDetached events which fires when new label is attached to VertexControl or detached from it
- Added new parameter to GraphArea::UpdateParallelEdgesData(Dictionary<TEdge, EdgeControl> edgeList) to be able to specify edges list to parse for parallelization instead of full edge list parse
- Added support for object visbility and attachable labels to GraphX serialization data
- Added ZoomControl::ResetKeyBindings() method to clear all (incl default) set key bindings
- Fixed ZoomControl dynamic content switch to corectly refresh viewfinder
- Improved ZoomControl handling with disabled animation
- Renamed ZoomControl::IsAnimationDisabled to IsAnimationEnabled and changed the logic according the modification
- Renamed ZoomControl::MaximumZoomStep to ZoomStep and updated description
- Implemented easy ZoomControl key bindings with BindKey() method and exposed base commands for zoom and pan actions to be able to bind keys for them
- Some class refactoring