yet another Hashicorp Vault client
export VAULT_TOKEN=token-value-here
#create token, using policy user123. You can use it only once (num_uses), and it will expire in 10 seconds
python3 -c hashish.conf create token -n user123 --num_uses 1 --ttl 10 --policies user123
#delete token, using token_display_name:
python3 -c hashish.conf delete token -n user123
#create user, generate basic creds secret, and hashes secret
python3 -c hashish.conf create user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --gen_creds --generate_hashes
#delete user
python3 -c hashish.conf delete user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup
#regenerate hashes and creds for user:
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --regen_creds --regenerate_hashes
#append custom secret for user:
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --append_secret '{"secret1":{"data":{"k1":"v1"}}}'
#replace existing secret by another:
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --replace --append_secret '{"secret2":{"data":{"k2":"v2"}}}'
#append secret, if not alredy exists:
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --append_secret '{"secret2":{"data":{"k2":"v2"}}}'
#append multiple secrets:
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --append_secret '[{"secret6":{"data":{"k6":"v6"}}},{"secret5":{"data":{"k5":"v5"}}}]'
#set user WITH ONLY described secrets (remove all others)
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --append_secret '{"secret_only":{"data":{"k":"v"}}}' --strict
#set user WITH ONLY creds and hashes (remove all others)
python3 -c hashish.conf sync user -n test123 -s databases -g testgroup --gen_creds --generate_hashes --strict
- Describe client logic. It is not obvious =(
- Rewrite HashiParse. I have absolutely no idea how to write UI's on python, so I'v tried my best.
- Cover EVERYHING by automated tests
- PEP PEP PEP PEP BOP BEEP BOOP (First of all check it by strict linter, then comment methods and shitty parts)
- Сheck token {c/d} --policies for multiple policies as args
- Check (re)gen_creds (in case with --hashes). Seems like something shitty can be found there.
- Implement loading from yaml
- Build as a pip package
- May be implement approles? =)
- Complete more tasks TO DO.