An application for searching movies.
Before compiling it is recommended to generate your own API keys. For all supported options for API keys see [Settings] in lib/utlities/settings.dart From the command line at build time:
flutter build apk --dart-define OMDB_KEY="xxxxxxxx" --dart-define TMDB_KEY="xxxxxxxx" \
--dart-define MEILISEARCH_KEY="xxxxxxxx" --dart-define GOOGLE_KEY="xxxxxxxx" \
--dart-define GOOGLE_URL="xxxxxxxx" --dart-define SECRETS_LOCATION="xxxxxxxx" \
--dart-define OFFLINE="!true"
To rebuild test mocks after major changes run
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
ADB tip: to install on a device that is not directly connected to the dev machine, use wireless debugging or a remote adb server
wireless debugging:
adb pair <enter pairing code>
adb connect
adb devices
flutter install
remote server that has already run the command adb -a -P 8080 nodaemon server
adb -H -P 8080 devices
adb -H -P 8080 install build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk