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Valentin Ballestrino edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 5 revisions

You can generate the form partials to edit shown fields or the whole form with the following generator :

rails g para:form <your_model_name>


If you need to separate your form in multiple field sets, you can use Para's #fieldset form helper.

It is used by default in all generated forms, but you can add multiple fieldsets, and give them a title with the :title option.

= para_form_for(resource) do |form|
  = form.fieldset title: 'Informations' do
    = form.input :name
  = form.fielset title: 'Price' do
    = form.input :price

  = form.actions


Para's form builder comes with a builtin tabs helper that allows you to build a simple tabbed navigation in your form.

In the following example, we'll imagine an Order model's form with tabs allowing to separate the different components of the order :

= para_form_for(resource) do |form|
  = form.tabs do |tabs|
    = :totals, icon: 'shopping-cart' do
      = form.input :total_eot_price
      = form.input :total_price

    = :customer, icon: 'user' do
      = form.input :customer
      = form.input :billing_address
      = form.input :shipping_address

    = :line_items, icon: 'list' do 
      = form.input :line_items, as: :nested_many

Now to customize your tab's title, you just need to override the forms.tabs.<your_model>.<tab_identifier>. For the first tab, we'll fill the following key : forms.tabs.order.totals.

Alternatively, you can use the tabs title directly in the tab name :

= "Order totals", icon: 'shopping-cart' do

would also work.

Note that the :icon option of the helper is optional.

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