The project contains a set of libraries for reading, writing and converting media library information between different DJ Software applications.
Algoriddim djay Pro 2: read and parse library. Limited writing.
Rekordbox: read explorted XML library.
- Convert cue points from Rekordbox XML format to matching tracks in djay Pro 2 library.
$ pip install Djtools
# Tests
$ pip install Djtools[test]
$ nosetests
>>> # Explore djay Pro 2 database.
>>> from djtools.djay import Explorer
>>> e = Explorer()
>>> track = e.get_all_tracks()[0]
>>> print('{} - {}'.format(track.title.artist, track.title.title))
>>> # Parse rekordbox XML library.
>>> from djtools import rekordbox, matching, convert
>>> rbts = rekordbox.parse_xml_file()
>>> print(rbts[0].Artist, rbts[0].Name)
>>> # Transfer cue points from rekordbox XML library to matching tracks in djay Pro 2.
>>> for dj_t in e.get_all_tracks():
>>> print('Djay track: ' + dj_t.title.artist + ' - ' + dj_t.title.title)
>>> match = matching.find_matching_track(dj_t, rbts)
>>> if match is not None:
>>> result = convert.transfer_cue_points(match, dj_t)
>>> if result.user_data and result.user_data.cuePoints:
>>> print(f"Transferred {len(result.user_data.cuePoints)} cue points.")
>>> else:
>>> print("No cue points in RB track")
>>> e.save_track(result)
>>> else:
>>> print("No matching track in RB")
>>> print('===')
This is not an officially supported Google product.