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Danieljl96 committed Oct 17, 2024
1 parent bff1641 commit 86767a9
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from pst.models import ChemicalEvolutionModel

class Polynomial_MFH_fit: #Generates the basis for the Polynomial MFH
def __init__(self, N, ssp, obs_filters, obs_filters_wl, t, t_obs, Z_i, dust_extinction,
error_Fnu_obs, **kwargs):
self.t_obs = t_obs.to_value()
self.t_hat_start = kwargs.get('t_hat_start', 1.)
self.t_hat_end = kwargs.get('t_hat_end', 0.)

primordial_coeffs = []
primordial_Fnu = []
for n in range(N):

c = np.zeros(N)
c[n] = 1


fnu = []
p = pst.models.Polynomial_MFH(Z=Z_i, t_hat_start = self.t_hat_start,
t_hat_end = self.t_hat_end,

cum_mass = np.cumsum(p.stellar_mass_formed(t))
z_array = Z_i*np.ones(len(t))
sed, weights = ssp.compute_SED(t, cum_mass, z_array)

for i, filter_name in enumerate(obs_filters):
photo = pst.observables.Filter( wavelength = ssp.wavelength, filter_name = filter_name)
fnu_Jy, fnu_Jy_err = photo.get_fnu(sed, spectra_err = None)
fnu.append( fnu_Jy )

primordial_Fnu = np.array(primordial_Fnu)*dust_extinction / error_Fnu_obs

self.p = p
self.sed = sed
self.lstsq_solution = np.matmul(
np.linalg.pinv(np.matmul(primordial_Fnu, np.transpose(primordial_Fnu))),
self.primordial_coeffs = np.array(primordial_coeffs)
self.primordial_Fnu = np.array(primordial_Fnu)
self.primordial_Fnu = primordial_Fnu

def fit(self, Fnu_obs, **kwargs):

c = np.matmul(self.lstsq_solution,
return c

class Polynomial_MFH(ChemicalEvolutionModel):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.t0 = kwargs.get('t0', 13.7*u.Gyr)
self.M0 = kwargs.get('M_end', 1*u.Msun)
self.t_hat_start = kwargs.get('t_hat_start', 1.)
self.t_hat_end = kwargs.get('t_hat_end', 0.)
self.coeffs = kwargs['coeffs']
self.S = kwargs.get('S', False)

ChemicalEvolutionModel.__init__(self, **kwargs)

#If you want the raw components: model.xxxx(t, get_components=True)
#If you want the observable + error: model.xxxx(t, get_sigma=True)
#If you want only the observable: model.xxxx(t)
def mass_formed_since(self, cosmic_time, **kwargs):
t_hat_present_time = (1 - self.t0/self.t0).clip(self.t_hat_end, self.t_hat_start)
t_hat_since = (1 - cosmic_time/self.t0).clip(self.t_hat_end, self.t_hat_start)
self.get_sigma = kwargs.get('get_sigma', False)
self.get_components = kwargs.get('get_components', False)
self.fit_components = kwargs.get('fit_components', None)

if self.fit_components is None:
N = len(self.coeffs)
for n in range(1, N+1):
M.append(t_hat_since**n - t_hat_present_time**n)

self.M = u.Quantity(M)
c, M, S = self.fit_components
return self.M0 * np.matmul(c, M), self.M0 * np.sqrt(((np.matmul(S.T, M))**2).sum(axis=0))

if self.get_components: #if you want the raw components c, M, S
return self.coeffs, self.M0 *self.M, self.S
elif self.get_sigma: #If you want the observable + sigma
return self.M0 * np.matmul(self.coeffs, self.M), self.M0 * np.sqrt(((np.matmul(self.S.T, self.M))**2).sum(axis=0))
else: #If you just want the observable
return self.M0 * np.matmul(self.coeffs, self.M)

def stellar_mass_formed(self, time, **kwargs):
self.get_sigma = kwargs.get('get_sigma', False)
self.get_components = kwargs.get('get_components', False)
self.fit_components = kwargs.get('fit_components', None)
t_hat = (1 - time/self.t0).clip(self.t_hat_end, self.t_hat_start)

if self.fit_components is None:
N = len(self.coeffs)
for n in range(1, N+1):
M.append(self.t_hat_start**n - t_hat**n)
self.M = u.Quantity(M)

c, M, S = self.fit_components
return self.M0 * np.matmul(c, M), self.M0 * np.sqrt(((np.matmul(S.T, M))**2).sum(axis=0))

if self.get_components: #if you want the raw components c, M, S
return self.coeffs, self.M0 *self.M, self.S
elif self.get_sigma: #If you want the observable + sigma
return self.M0 * np.matmul(self.coeffs, self.M), self.M0 * np.sqrt(((np.matmul(self.S.T, self.M))**2).sum(axis=0))
else: #If you just want the observable
return self.M0 * np.matmul(self.coeffs, self.M)

def compute_polynomial_models(input_file, output_file, obs_filters,

# Observables
t0 = 13.7 * u.Gyr # time of observation
t_hat = np.logspace(-3, 0, 1001)[::-1] #t_hat from 1 --> 0
t = t0*(1-t_hat) #time from 0Gyr --> 13.7Gyr
lookback_time = (t0-t)[::-1] #t0 --> 0
R_V = 3.1

t_start_values = kwargs.get('ti_grid', [0]*u.Gyr)
t_end_values = kwargs.get('tf_grid', [13.7]*u.Gyr)
z_grid = kwargs.get('z_grid', np.array([0.02]))
av_grid = kwargs.get('av_grid', [0])
N_range = kwargs.get('N_grid', np.arange(1, 4))

# SSPs
ssp_pop = pst.SSP.PopStar(IMF="sal")
ssp = ssp_pop

allow_negative_sfr = False #Allows negative SFRs

print('Initiating code')

t_grid = [(b, c) for b in t_start_values for c in t_end_values
if b.to_value()<c.to_value()]

ssp.cut_wavelength(1000, 1600000)
obs_filters_wl = []
for name in obs_filters:
photo = pst.observables.Filter( wavelength = ssp.wavelength, filter_name = name)
obs_filters_wl = np.array(obs_filters_wl)
# print('effective_wavelengths: ', obs_filters_wl)
#Computing real models

#NEED read the lines [target_ID_name [Fnu] [Fnu_error]]
input_photo = {}

content = csv.reader(open(input_file, "r"))
for i, row in enumerate(content):
target_ID = int(row[0])
input_photo[target_ID] = {}
input_photo[target_ID]['Fnu_obs'] = np.array([float(k) for k in row[1].split()])
input_photo[target_ID]['error_Fnu_obs'] = np.array([float(k) for k in row[2].split()])

def get_flux_densities(model, ssp, obs_filters, Z_i, t, **kwargs):
fnu = []
sed = model.compute_SED(SSP = ssp, t_obs = t0)
for i, filter_name in enumerate(obs_filters):
photo = pst.observables.Filter( wavelength = ssp.wavelength, filter_name = filter_name)
spectra_flambda = ( sed/(4*np.pi*(10*u.pc)**2) )
fnu_Jy, fnu_Jy_err = photo.get_fnu(spectra_flambda, spectra_err=None)
fnu.append( fnu_Jy )
return u.Quantity(fnu)

#Main code
f_output = open(output_file, 'w+')
for number_model, target_ID in enumerate(input_photo):
print('Computing Model #{} of {}'.format(number_model+1, len(input_photo)))

target = input_photo[target_ID]

model_poly = []
chi2_poly = []
metallicities_poly = []
dust_extinction_poly = []


Fnu_obs = np.array(target['Fnu_obs'])
error_Fnu_obs = np.array(target['error_Fnu_obs'])
Fnu_obs = Fnu_obs/error_Fnu_obs #Normalizing by the luminosity errors

time_before_pst = tic.time()
for Z_i_index, Z_i in enumerate(z_grid):

for av_index, A_V_model in enumerate(av_grid):

model_A_lambda = extinction.ccm89(obs_filters_wl, A_V_model, R_V)
dust_extinction = np.power(10, -model_A_lambda/2.5)

for N in N_range:
for t_initial, t_final in t_grid:
basis = pst.models.Polynomial_MFH_fit(N, ssp, obs_filters, obs_filters_wl, t, t0, Z_i,
dust_extinction, error_Fnu_obs,
t_hat_end = 1-t_final/t0) #Creating the basis
#True polynomia
coeffs = #Generating the coefficients c
poly_fit = pst.models.Polynomial_MFH(Z=Z_i,
t_hat_end = 1-t_final/t0) #Generating the polynomial model

Fnu_model = get_flux_densities(poly_fit, ssp, obs_filters, Z_i, t)*dust_extinction / error_Fnu_obs #Luminosities of the model

#Saving the uncorrected models (before positive-SFR fit)
uncorrected = poly_fit
uncorrected_Fnu_model = Fnu_model

t_cut = t.clip(t_initial, t_final) #Time limited by the free initial-final time parameters
sfr = uncorrected.SFR(t_cut)
zeros = np.where(sfr[:-1]*sfr[1:] < 0)[0] #Locating zeros of the uncorrected SFR
t_zeros = np.r_[t_initial,np.sqrt(t_cut[zeros]*t_cut[zeros+1]),t_final]

if t_zeros[0]==t_zeros[1]: #This patch avoids when it detects a zero at t_initial or t_final and duplicates that point
t_zeros = t_zeros[1:]
if t_zeros[-1]==t_zeros[-2]:
t_zeros = t_zeros[:-1]

if allow_negative_sfr:
t_zeros = np.r_[t_initial, t_final]
for t_start, t_end in zip(t_zeros[:-1], t_zeros[1:]): #For each combination of start-end of the zeros
if len(t_zeros)==2: #If no zeros: we are done with the uncorrected
poly_fit = uncorrected
Fnu_model = uncorrected_Fnu_model

poly_fit = pst.models.Polynomial_MFH(Z=Z_i,
t_hat_start=(1-t_start/t0), t_hat_end=(1-t_end/t0),
coeffs=coeffs, S=basis.lstsq_solution) #New polynomial fit with the new time-limits

Fnu_model = get_flux_densities(poly_fit, ssp, obs_filters, Z_i, t)*dust_extinction / error_Fnu_obs
if poly_fit.t_hat_end == poly_fit.t_hat_start:
print('t_initial=', t_initial, 't_final=', t_final, 't_start=', t_start, 't_end=', t_end)
print('t_zeros', t_zeros)

#Anti Inf in negative SFR(t) patch
if np.any(np.array(Fnu_model)) == False:
norm = 1
chi2 = 1e10
norm = np.sum(Fnu_obs*Fnu_model) / np.sum(Fnu_model**2) #Normalization factor for the coefficients
chi2 = np.sum((Fnu_model*norm-Fnu_obs)**2)

polynomial_model = pst.models.Polynomial_MFH(Z=Z_i,
t_hat_end=(1-t_end/t0), coeffs=coeffs*norm,
compute_sigma=True, S=basis.lstsq_solution)



pst_time = tic.time() - time_before_pst

def weighted_mean(x, w):
return, x)

def std(x, w):
mu= weighted_mean(x, w)
return np.sqrt(, np.power(x, 2))-np.power(mu, 2))

#t(M) y M(t)
norm_chi2_poly = chi2_poly - min(chi2_poly)
likelihood_poly = np.array(np.exp(-norm_chi2_poly/2))
likelihood_poly[np.isnan(likelihood_poly)] = 0
norm_weights = likelihood_poly/np.sum(likelihood_poly)

age_of_fraction_i = []
fraction_i = []
sigma2 = []
sigma_i = []
total_mass_i = []
for i, model in enumerate(model_poly): #For each model of this MC loop:
mass, sigma = model.mass_formed_since(t0-lookback_time, get_sigma=True) #mass formed and its sigma
c, M, S = model.mass_formed_since(t0-lookback_time, get_components=True)
total_mass = mass[-1].to_value()
fraction_model = np.array(mass/total_mass)
sigma_model = np.array(sigma/total_mass)
sigma2.append((norm_weights[i]*(np.matmul(S.T, M))**2).sum(axis=0)/total_mass**2)
fraction = np.logspace(-3, 0, len(t))
age_of_fraction_model = np.interp(fraction, fraction_model, lookback_time)

age_of_fraction_i.append( age_of_fraction_model )

mass_fraction = weighted_mean(fraction_i, norm_weights)
mass_fraction_std = np.sqrt(np.array(sigma2).sum(axis=0))
weighted_total_mass = weighted_mean(total_mass_i, norm_weights)

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978 changes: 1 addition & 977 deletions tutorials/Illustris/Illustris_output.csv

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