Usage: [--design=DESIGN] [--clust-meth=METHOD] [--seed=<seed>] [CLUSTER_AMOUNT ...]
[--manhattanwl] [--mmstwl] [--cnwl] [--bb=<method>]
[--deffile=DEF] [--udm=VALUE] [--leftech=TECH] [--segments]
[--bold] (--help|-h) [--design=DESIGN] (--digest) [--manhattanwl] [--mmstwl] [--cnwl] [--bb=<method>]
[--deffile=DEF] [--udm=VALUE] [--leftech=TECH] [--segments]
--design=DESIGN Design to cluster. One amongst ldpc, ldpc-2020, flipr, boomcore, boomcore-2020, spc,
spc-2020, spc-bufferless-2020, ccx, ccx-in3, ccx-in3-du10, ccx-in3-du85,
ldpc-4x4-serial, ldpc-4x4,
ldpc-4x4-serial-2022, ldpc-4x4-serial-delBuffPy-2022, ldpc-4x4-serial-delBuff-2022, ldpc-4x4-serial-pre-CTS-2022,
ldpc-4x4-full-2022, ldpc-4x4-full-noFE-2022, ldpc-4x4-full-delBUFF-2022,
ldpc-4x4-full-preCTS-2022, ldpc-4x4-full-delBuffPy-2022,
smallboom, armm0,msp430, megaboom-pp-bl, megaboom-pp-bt,
mempool-tile-bl, mempool-tile-bt, mempool-group-bl, mempool-group-FP-noFE,
mempool-tile-post-FP, mempool-tile-post-FP-noFE,
mempool-tile-pp, mempool-tile-pp-noFE.
--clust-meth=METHOD Clustering method to use. One amongst progressive-wl, random,
Naive_Geometric, hierarchical-geometric, kmeans-geometric, kmeans-random, onetoone.
or metal. [default: random]
--seed=<seed> RNG seed
CLUSTER_AMOUNT ... Number of clusters to build. Multiple arguments allowed.
--manhattanwl Compute nets wirelength as Manhattan distance.
--mmstwl Compute nets wirelength as MMST (Mixed Minimal Steiner Tree).
--cnwl Compute nets wirelength as Closest Neighbourg (slower, but more accurate).
--bb=<method> Bounding box computation method: cell or pin.
--digest Print design's info and exit.
--deffile=DEF Path to DEF file, superseded by --design.
--udm=VALUE UNITS DISTANCE MICRONS, e.g. 10000, superseded by --design
--leftech=TECH LEF tech used, e.g. 7nm, superseded by --design
--segments Compute the Manhattan segment length of each net into WLnets_wegments.out
--bold Suppress the clustering sanity checks
-h --help Print this help
This script needs a fully placed and routed design as a DEF file.
Technology file, needed for the geometry and names of the standard cells.
Each line is <net name>, <instance name>, <x coordinate [float]>, <y coordinate [float]>
Each line is <net name> <instance name 1> <...> <instance name n>
Each line is <net name>
Then each line is <net name> <number of pins [integer]> <length in µm [float]>
The nets are first sorted based on their length.
Header: Net_name net_wire_length cumulated_wire_length %_of_nets
- Column 1: name of the net
- Column 2: length of the net in µm [float]
- Column 3: Cumulated total wire length in µm of the nets so far. This should be equal to the design total wire length for the last line.
- Column 4: Percentage of the total amount of nets so far. This should be equal to 100% for the last line.
Each line: <cluster name>
In all the custom clustering methods, the cluster name is its ID, starting at 0 then incrementing by 1.
Header: Name Type InstCount Boundary Area
- Column 1:
<cluster name>
, same as inClusters.out
- Column 2: Type of cluster,
by default. - Column 3: Amount of instances in the cluster [integer]
- Column 4: Coordinates of the cluster's bottom left corner,
(<x coordinate [float]>,<y coordinate [float]>)
- Column 5: Coordinates of the cluster's top right corner,
(<x coordinate [float]>,<y coordinate [float]>)
Columns 4 and 5 only make sense if the cluster is rectangular shaped. - Column 6: area of the cluster in µm2 [float]
Each line: <cluster name> <instance name 1> <...> <instance name n>