extension backport to 1.5.0
paritytech-review-bot / review-bot
May 25, 2024 in 0s
Missing 2 reviews
The following rules have failed:
- CI files
- Core developers
Details per rule:
CI files
Missing 1 review
Rule explanation
Rule 'Or' has many required reviewers/teams and requires at least one of them to be fulfilled.For more info found out how the rules work in Review-bot types
Missing reviews from teams
- ci
- core-devs
Users approvals that counted towards this rule
GitHub users whose approval counts
This is a list of all the GitHub users whose approval would count towards fulfilling this rule:- @rcny
- @AndWeHaveAPlan
- @lovelaced
- @alvicsam
- @ascjones
- @andresilva
- @gavofyork
- @koute
- @pgherveou
- @tdimitrov
- @svyatonik
- @gpestana
- @eskimor
- @pierreaubert
- @cheme
- @michalkucharczyk
- @athei
- @jsdw
- @ordian
- @franciscoaguirre
- @marshacb
- @kianenigma
- @skunert
- @muharem
- @EgorPopelyaev
- @sorpaas
- @dmitry-markin
- @davxy
- @bkontur
- @Robbepop
- @xermicus
- @arkpar
- @Ank4n
- @ggwpez
- @alindima
- @NachoPal
- @jubnzv
- @rossbulat
- @niklasad1
- @seadanda
- @liamaharon
- @gupnik
- @serban300
- @joepetrowski
- @Overkillus
- @smiasojed
- @AndreiEres
- @acatangiu
- @simonljs
- @pkhry
- @TarikGul
- @s0me0ne-unkn0wn
- @alexggh
- @georgepisaltu
- @sandreim
- @lexnv
- @MattHalpinParity
Core developers
Missing 1 review
Rule explanation
Rule 'Basic' requires a given amount of reviews from users/teamsFor more info found out how the rules work in Review-bot types
Missing reviews from teams
- core-devs
Users approvals that counted towards this rule
GitHub users whose approval counts
This is a list of all the GitHub users whose approval would count towards fulfilling this rule:- @ascjones
- @andresilva
- @gavofyork
- @koute
- @pgherveou
- @tdimitrov
- @svyatonik
- @gpestana
- @eskimor
- @pierreaubert
- @cheme
- @michalkucharczyk
- @athei
- @jsdw
- @ordian
- @franciscoaguirre
- @marshacb
- @kianenigma
- @skunert
- @muharem
- @EgorPopelyaev
- @sorpaas
- @dmitry-markin
- @davxy
- @bkontur
- @Robbepop
- @xermicus
- @arkpar
- @Ank4n
- @ggwpez
- @alindima
- @NachoPal
- @jubnzv
- @rossbulat
- @niklasad1
- @seadanda
- @liamaharon
- @gupnik
- @serban300
- @joepetrowski
- @Overkillus
- @smiasojed
- @AndreiEres
- @acatangiu
- @simonljs
- @pkhry
- @TarikGul
- @s0me0ne-unkn0wn
- @alexggh
- @georgepisaltu
- @sandreim
- @lexnv
- @MattHalpinParity