Leantime is an open source project management system for small teams and startups written in PHP, Javascript using MySQL. https://leantime.io
This is the openshift deployment template and scripts for Leantime . It was built using the latest Leantime release.
Also provides quick and easy upgrade Leantime to newer release when ever it is avaialble.
To run this template you will need an existing project on openshift.
oc login https://console.myopenshifturl.com
oc new-project leantimedev --description="Leantime dev open source project management system" --display-name="Leantime-dev"
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:leantimedev:default -n leantimedev
oc project leantimedev
cd openshift-leantime
oc new-app -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parkarteam/openshift-leantime/master/openshift-templates/leantime-template-dev.yaml -n leantimedev
Allow for 15 to 20 mins for the application to be ready. The template create an application which can be access at https://leantime-leantimedev.apps.myopenshifturl.com
- phpbase:7.3-fpm-alpine
- leantimedev-basebuild:latest
- leantimedev-build:latest
- leantimedev-mysql
- leantime
- leantimedev-basebuild
- leantimedev-build
- leantimedev-secret
- leantime
- leantimedev-mysql
- leantime
- leantimedev-mysql
- leantime
The default version of Leantime is Leantime-V2.0.15. When a new release is available the build can be changed to match the new version. For example if you need to use Leantime 2.1 Beta , run the below command
oc set env bc/leantimedev-build \
LEANTIME_RELEASE_URL=https://github.com/Leantime/leantime/archive/v2.1-beta6.tar.gz -n leantimedev
To use custom project names
oc new-app -f openshift-template/leantime-template-dev.yaml --param NAMESPACE=customproject
Other parameters
- NAMESPACE - The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides (default value leantimedev).
- NAME -The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template (default value leantime).
- PHP_VERSION - Version of PHP image to be used (7.2-fpm-alpine or latest).
- MEMORY_LIMIT - Maximum amount of memory the LEANTIME container can use (default 512Mi).
- MEMORY_MYSQL_LIMIT - Maximum amount of memory the MySQL container can use (default 512Mi).
- SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL - The URL of the repository with your application source code or a fork of this project.
- SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF - Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch.
- CONTEXT_DIR - Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository.
- DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME - Database Service Name (default value leantimedev-mysql)
- DATABASE_NAME - Database Name (default value leantimedevdb)
- DATABASE_USER - Databse user (default value leantimedevdbuser)
- DATABASE_PASSWORD - Random Password is generated.
- LEANTIME_RELEASE_URL - Leantime release url (default version is Leantime-V2.0.15). This can be changed after deployment.
This template creates a pod for leantime-installer. Locate the actual pod name by runnin oc get pods. View the detailed logs ''' oc get logs leantime-installer-sgdxm ```