Runs Pacbio methylation pipeline
Runs the RS_Modification_and_Motif_Analysis pipeline and tidies output files.
Bio-PacbioMethylation has the following dependencies:
- tabix
- bgzip
Details for installing Bio-PacbioMethylation are provided below. If you encounter an issue when installing Bio-PacbioMethylation please contact your local system administrator. If you encounter a bug please log it here or email us at [email protected].
Clone the repository:
git clone
Move into the directory and install all dependencies using DistZilla:
cd Bio-PacbioMethylation
dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
dzil listdeps --missing | cpanm
Run the tests:
dzil test
If the tests pass, install Bio-PacbioMethylation:
dzil install
The test can be run with dzil from the top level directory:
dzil test
pacbio_methylation [options] <output dir> <reference.fasta> <*.bax.h5>
Runs the Pacio Methylation pipeline, makes Artemis plot files, and
cleans up unneeded files.
Show this help and exit
Cutoff for the ipdratio when making Artemis plot file.
Any value less than -min_ipdratio will be set to zero [0]
Do not delete intermediate files
-t,-threads INT
Number of threads [1]
Bio-PacbioMethylation is free software, licensed under GPLv3.