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Sync message between telegram group and fabric minecraft server.


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Sync message between telegram group and fabric minecraft server.



  • Sync chat messages between minecraft server and telegram group.
  • Good support for different telegram message type.
  • Send server messages (like players joining the server) to telegram group.
  • Query online player list in the group.
  • Run server commands from the group (admins only).


  1. Download this mod from Releases and dependencies Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin. Put them in your server mods directory.
  2. Start the server to generate a default configuration file.
  3. Create a telegram bot at BotFather and obtain your bot token. Remember to disable Privacy mode if you want to send group message to minecraft.
  4. Open your configuration file (at config/tgbridge/config.json) and write in your bot token.
  5. Use command /tgbridge_reload on your server to reload the configuration.
  6. Add your bot to your group, and run /chatid in the group to get group chat ID.
  7. Write your group chat ID in your configuration file and reload like step 5.
  8. Enjoy!


The configuration file is located at config/tgbridge/config.json. It's a json file (obviously😋).

A detailed explanation is here.

Field Type Detail
botToken String Your bot token.
chatId Int Your group chat ID.
telegramAPI String The API url. Change this if you want to use a reversed proxy.
pollTimeout Int The bot keeps sending requests to telegram server to obtain new messages. If no new messages is aquired for value seconds, the bot will send a request again. Smaller value is recommended if your network is not good.
sendChatMessage Boolean Whether to send game chat messages to your group.
sendGameMessage Boolean Whether to send game event messages to your group.
sendTelegramMessage Boolean Whether to send telegram messages to Minecraft.
messageTrim Int Trim the message sent to Minecraft if it is longer than value. Use 0 to disable trimming.
sendServerStarted Boolean Whether to send server started message to your group.
sendServerStopping Boolean Whether to send server stopping message to your group.
minecraftFormat String How group chat messages look like in minecraft. %1$s for sender's name. %2$s for the message.
telegramFormat String How minecraft chat messages look like in telegram group. %1$s for sender's name. %2$s for the message. Support some HTML style formatting
serverStartedMessage String What will be sent to group when the server has started.
serverStoppingMessage String What will be sent to group when the server is stopping.
admins String[] Admins who can run game commands in the group. Use telegram username.
noPermission String What will be replied when someone who is not admin uses /cmd in the group.


Special telegram message in game

Edit config/tgbridge/i18n.json.

In group server event message

On the PC you play Minecraft, open minecraft/assets/indexes/{version}.json. (change {version} to your server version). Search for {your language code}.json (such as en_gb.json) and remember the hash next to it. Now we will use 482e0dae05abfa35ab5cb076e41fda77b4fb9a08 as an example. Go to .minecraft/assets/objects/48/ (change 48 to the first to char of the hash), copy the file with name of that hash to somewhere else and rename it lang.json. Now you can replace config/tgbridge/lang.json with your new file.


Sync message between telegram group and fabric minecraft server.







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  • Kotlin 100.0%