A cool text component for making your interwebzone look real stylish my dude. The package is written in typescript, compiled back to js, with typings declarations in the package.
- React
- Some kind of css loader
To add to your project
npm install --save react-cool-text
or if you use yarn
yarn add react-cool-text
CSS must then be imported into your project, either as a side effect in Javascript
import 'react-cool-text/react-cool-text/output/theme.css';
or directly in CSS/SCSS
@import '~react-cool-text/react-cool-text/output/theme';
To use
import * as React from 'react';
import { CoolText } from 'react-cool-text';
const MyCoolComponent: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
return <CoolText>My cool text</CoolText>;
The children must be a single string, or the component will not render, and everything will break.
takes a word, optionally repeats each of those letters a defined number of times in a stack, then runs a set of callbacks on each letter and each iteration of each letter. Some of these are random values defined with a min and a max.
For example, randomScaleRange
takes a value like {min: 0.1, max: 2}
, then scales each letter between 0.1 and 2
Meanwhile, letterStackItemCount
takes a number, IE 10
, and letterStackItemScale
takes a callback like (letter, index) => index * 0.1
, which will then repeat each letter 10 times, with each item in that stack scaling up incrementally by 0.1
These callbacks run on each item in each stack of each letter.
Each one can take a callback with three values, stackIndex
, the index of the item in the stack, letterIndex
, the index of the letter in the word, and letter
, the string value of the letter.
Alternatively, it can just take a value.
prop | description | example |
letterStackItemColor | The colour to apply to each letter in the stack | (stackIndex, letterIndex, letter) => 'red' |
letterStackItemRotate | The rotation to apply to each letter in the stack | (stackIndex, letterIndex, letter) => letter === "h" ? 90 : 0 |
letterStackItemScale | The scale to apply to each letter in the stack | (stackIndex, letterIndex, letter) => 0.1 * stackIndex |
letterStackItemTranslate | The translation to apply to each letter in the stack | (stackIndex, letterIndex, letter) => {x: 10, y: 5 * stackIndex} |
letterStackItemOpacity | The opacity to apply to each letter in the stack | 0.3 |
letterStackItemZIndex | The z index to apply to each letter in the stack | (stackIndex, letterIndex, letter) => 50 - stackIndex |
letterStackItemClassName | The className to apply to each letter in the stack | (stackIndex, letterIndex, letter) => "letter-" + letter |
These produce a random number between the defined min and max, and apply that to a css property on each letter.
prop | description | example |
randomRotateRange | Minimum and maximum amount of random rotation per letter | {min: -10, max: 10} |
randomScaleRange | Minimum and maximum amount of random scale per letter | {min: -10, max: 10} |
randomTranslateRange | Minimum and maximum amount of random translate per letter | {x: {min: -10, max: 10}, y: {min: -10, max: 10}} |
These callbacks run on each letter.
Each one can take a callback with two values, letterIndex
, the index of the letter in the word, and letter
, the string value of the letter.
Alternatively, it can just take a value.
prop | description | example |
letterStackItemCount | The number of times to repeat and stack each letter | (letterIndex, letter) => 20 |
letterColor | Color to set each letter | (letterIndex, letter) => 'red' |
letterRotate | Amount to rotate each letter by | (letterIndex, letter) => letterIndex * 2 |
letterScale | Amount to scale each letter by | (letterIndex, letter) => 1 + letterIndex * 0.01 |
letterTranslate | Amount to translate each letter by | (letterIndex, letter) => {x: 0, y: letterIndex * 2} |
letterZIndex | Z index to apply to each letter | (letterIndex, letter) => letterIndex * 2 |
letterClassName | The className to apply to each letter | (letterIndex, letter) => "letter-" + letter |
These props apply to the div wrapping everything.
prop | description | example |
className | ClassName to apply to the wrapper | "my-cool-text" |
id | id to apply to the wrapper | "my-cool-text" |
randomScaleRange={{ min: 0.2, max: 2 }}
randomRotateRange={{ min: -20, max: 20 }}
randomTranslateRange={{ x: { min: -10, max: 10 }, y: { min: -10, max: 10 } }}
randomRotateRange={{ min: -30, max: 30 }}
letterStackItemOpacity={i => (i === 0 ? 1 : 0.3 - i * 0.01)}
letterStackItemTranslate={i => ({ x: i * 4, y: i * 4 })}