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PatternFly Org icons

Evan edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Continuation of the icons process started in PatternFly core repo & continued in PatternFly React repo.


  • PatternFly Org builds out the website's icons page, displaying a subset of all icons which are recommended for use as well as a reference table of previous icons and what we currently recommend to use in their place.

Main file structure

  • contains the markdown for the icons doc page, and imports the IconsTable and IconRecommendations components which live in their own files.
  • IconsTable.js builds out the main icons table on the icons page.
  • IconsRecommendations.js builds out the “Updated icon recommendations” table at the bottom of the icons page.

Detailed breakdown

  • Imports 3 main variables to combine to create icons table:

    • icons: All of the react icons from @patternfly/react-icons
      • Used in buildRows function to match the current icon name with the react icon to be displayed
    • iconsData: custom json file manually updated with the subset of icons we’d like to display in the table and the data to display in each column
      • What it is:
        • An array containing an object for each table row (aka each icon) displayed in the table
        • If multiple table rows are needed, such as for AngleRightIcon (multiple usages) and BellIcon (multiple related icons grouped together), an array of multiple objects is used in place of a single object
      • How it’s used:
        • Map through iconsData here and save result as iconRows.
          • If array item is just an object, build the icon row in the table.
          • If array item is an array of objects (as with AngleRightIcon and BellIcon above), loop through each object in the array and build row for each, removing the border-bottom except for the final array item so each new table row appears grouped together in the table.
        • Filter these iconRows based on search input, save as filteredRows.
        • Sort these filteredRows if user has sorted a table column.
        • Finally, flatten the filteredRows (they’ve remained unflattened until now to ensure sorting/filtering maintains groupings of subrows together) and pass to the Table rows prop
    • iconUnicodes: the JSON mappings of icon names to unicodes exported from PF-Core