Monix integration with Kafka
Work in progress!
- Getting Started with Kafka 1.0.x or above
- Getting Started with Kafka 0.11.x
- Getting Started with Kafka 0.10.x
- Getting Started with Kafka 0.9.x
- Getting Started with Kafka 0.8.x (no longer supported)
- Usage
- How can I contribute to Monix-Kafka?
- Maintainers
- License
libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "monix-kafka-1x" % "1.0.0-RC6"
For kafka
versions higher than 1.0.x
also add a dependency override:
dependencyOverrides += "org.apache.kafka" % "kafka-clients" % "2.1.0"
Or in case you're interested in running the tests of this project, it now supports embedded kafka for integration testing. You can simply run:
sbt kafka1x/test
libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "monix-kafka-11" % "1.0.0-RC6"
Or in case you're interested in running the tests of this project, it now supports embedded kafka for integration testing. You can simply run:
sbt kafka11/test
libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "monix-kafka-10" % "1.0.0-RC6"
Or in case you're interested in running the tests of this project, it now supports embedded kafka for integration testing. You can simply run:
sbt kafka10/test
Please note that EmbeddedKafka
is not supported for Kafka 0.9.x
libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "monix-kafka-9" % "1.0.0-RC6"
Or in case you're interested in running the tests of this project,
first download the Kafka server, version 0.9.x
from their
download page (note that
or higher do not work with 0.9
), then as the
quick start
section says, open a terminal window and first start Zookeeper:
bin/ config/
Then start Kafka:
bin/ config/
Create the topic we need for our tests:
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 \
--replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 \
--topic monix-kafka-tests
And run the tests:
sbt kafka9/test
Please note that support for Kafka 0.8.x
is dropped and the last available version with this dependency is 0.14
libraryDependencies += "io.monix" %% "monix-kafka-8" % "0.14"
Or in case you're interested in running the tests of this project,
first download the Kafka server, version 0.8.x
from their
download page (note that
or higher do not work with 0.8
), then as the
quick start
section says, open a terminal window and first start Zookeeper:
bin/ config/
Then start Kafka:
bin/ config/
Create the topics we need for our tests:
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 \
--replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 \
--topic monix-kafka-tests
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 \
--replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 \
--topic monix-kafka-manual-commit-tests
And run the tests:
sbt kafka8/test
import monix.kafka._
import monix.execution.Scheduler
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler =
// Init
val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy(
bootstrapServers = List("")
val producer = KafkaProducer[String,String](producerCfg, scheduler)
// For sending one message
val recordMetadataF = producer.send("my-topic", "my-message").runToFuture
// For closing the producer connection
val closeF = producer.close().runToFuture
Calling producer.send
returns a Task of Option[RecordMetadata]
which can then be run and transformed into a Future
If the Task
completes with None
it means that producer.send
method was called after the producer was closed and that the message wasn't successfully acknowledged by the Kafka broker. In case of the failure of the underlying Kafka client the producer will bubble up the exception and fail the Task
. All successfully delivered messages will complete with Some[RecordMetadata]
For pushing an entire Observable
to Apache Kafka:
import monix.kafka._
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
implicit val scheduler: Scheduler =
// Initializing the producer
val producerCfg = KafkaProducerConfig.default.copy(
bootstrapServers = List("")
val producer = KafkaProducerSink[String,String](producerCfg, scheduler)
// Lets pretend we have this observable of records
val observable: Observable[ProducerRecord[String,String]] = ???
// on overflow, start dropping incoming events
// buffers into batches if the consumer is busy, up to a max size
// consume everything by pushing into Apache Kafka
// ready, set, go!
There are several ways for consuming from Apache Kafka (Version 0.11.x and above):
Consumer which commits offsets itself:
import monix.kafka._
val consumerCfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy(
bootstrapServers = List(""),
groupId = "kafka-tests"
// you can use this settings for At Most Once semantics:
// observableCommitOrder = ObservableCommitOrder.BeforeAck
val observable =
KafkaConsumerObservable[String,String](consumerCfg, List("my-topic"))
Consumer which allows you to commit offsets manually:
import monix.kafka._
val consumerCfg = KafkaConsumerConfig.default.copy(
bootstrapServers = List(""),
groupId = "kafka-tests"
val observable =
KafkaConsumerObservable.manualCommit[String,String](consumerCfg, List("my-topic"))
.map(message => message.record.value() -> message.committableOffset)
.mapEval { case (value, offset) => performBusinessLogic(value).map(_ => offset) }
.bufferTimedAndCounted(1.second, 1000)
.mapEval(offsets => CommittableOffsetBatch(offsets).commitSync())
Starting from Kafka, there is
setting that defines the maximum delay between
invocations of poll(), if it is not called in that interval, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order
to reassign the partitions to another member.
This was an issue in monix-kafka
since poll is not called until all previous consumed ones were processed, so that slow downstream subscribers
were in risk of being kicked off the consumer group indefinitely.
This has been resolved in 1.0.0-RC8
by introducing an internal poll heartbeat interval
that runs in the background keeping the consumer alive.
We welcome contributions to all projects in the Monix organization and would love for you to help build Monix-Kafka. See our contributor guide for more information about how you can get involed.
The current maintainers (people who can merge pull requests) are:
- Alexandru Nedelcu (alexandru)
- Piotr Gawryś (Avasil)
- Leandro Bolivar (leandrob13)
All code in this repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt.