Steps to upload the project From GitHub: 1.- Go to the main page of the repository. 2.- Select the repository escalonap37 / frontend-recruiting-hsa 3.- Above the list of files, click on Code. 4.- Clone the repository: 4.1- To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone with HTTPS", click. To clone the repository using an SSH key, including a certificate issued by your organization's SSH certificate authority, click Use SSH, then click. To clone a repository using GitHub CLI, click Use GitHub CLI, then click.
5.- From your computer, go to the folder or path where you want to clone the project
6.- Open GitBash
7.- Clone the repository escalonap37 / frontend-recruiting-hsa by running:
$ git clone [email protected]: escalonap37 / frontend-recruiting-hsa.git
8.- Change to the frontend-recruiting-hsa folder:
$ cd frontend-recruiting-hsa
8.- Install the project dependencies:
$ npm i
9.- Upload the project:
$ ng serve -o
10.- In the browser path: http: //localhost:4200 you will see the raised project
Search for existing users on GitHub with access token.
In the case of non-existent users, it was pending to finish handling the errors in the service that consumes the GitHub Api